getLegacyTypesFromBundle function

LegacyTypes getLegacyTypesFromBundle(
  1. LegacyTypesBundle bundle,
  2. int specVersion

Adds the metadata_definitions + bundle

Checks the bundle versions for inRange, and over-writes the types of the metadata_definitions by using the bundle.


LegacyTypes getLegacyTypesFromBundle(
    LegacyTypesBundle bundle, int specVersion) {
  final types = LegacyTypes(
    types: <String, dynamic>{
    typesAlias: <String, Map<String, String>>{
      if (substrateTypesBundle.typesAlias != null)
      if (bundle.typesAlias != null) ...bundle.typesAlias!,
    signedExtensions: <String, String>{
      if (substrateTypesBundle.signedExtensions != null)
      if (bundle.signedExtensions != null) ...bundle.signedExtensions!,

  if (bundle.versions?.isEmpty ?? true) {
    return types;

  for (var i = 0; i < bundle.versions!.length; i++) {
    final override = bundle.versions![i];
    if (_isWithinRange(override.minmax, specVersion)) {

      types.typesAlias ??= <String, Map<String, String>>{};
      if (override.typesAlias != null) {

      types.signedExtensions ??= <String, String>{};
      if (override.signedExtensions != null) {

  return types;