
Text widget with formatted text using tags. Makes it easier to use formatted text in multilingual applications.

Formatting is set in the text using xml tags, for which styles and other behaviors are defined separately. It is also possible to insert icons and widgets through tags.

You can set the click handler for the tag, through a tag definition class StyledTextAdvanceActionTag.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

In your flutter project add the dependency:

  styled_text_advance: ^[version]

Import package:

import 'package:styled_text_advance/styled_text_advance.dart';

Escaping & special characters

Tag attributes must be enclosed in double quotes, for example: <link href="">.

You need to escape specific XML characters in text:

Original character  Escaped character
------------------  -----------------
"                   &quot;
'                   &apos;
&                   &amp;
<                   &lt;
>                   &gt;
<space>             &space;

Line breaks

By default, line breaks are not ignored, all line breaks \n are automatically translated into the <br/> tag. To disable this behavior, you can set the newLineAsBreaks parameter to false and insert the <br/> tag where you want to break to a new line.

Usage examples

An example of making parts of text bold:

  text: 'Test: <bold>bold</bold> text.',
  tags: {
    'bold': StyledTextAdvanceTag(style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),

Example of highlighting a part of the text by different styles:

  text: 'Test: <bold>bold</bold> and <red>red color</red> text.',
  tags: {
    'bold': StyledTextAdvanceTag(style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),
    'red': StyledTextAdvanceTag(style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color:,

Example of inserting icons into the text:

  text: 'Text with alarm <alarm/> icon.',
  tags: {
    'alarm': StyledTextAdvanceIconTag(Icons.alarm),

Example of using a tag handler:

  text: 'Text with <link href="">link</link> inside.',
  tags: {
    'link': StyledTextAdvanceActionTag(
      (String? text, Map<String?, String?> attrs) => {
        final String link = attrs['href'];
        print('The "$link" link is tapped.');
      style: TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline),

Example of using a custom tag attributes handler, highlights text with the color specified in the "text" attribute of the tag:

  text: 'Text with custom <color text="#ff5500">color</color> text.',
  tags: {
    'color': StyledTextAdvanceCustomTag(
        baseStyle: TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic),
        parse: (baseStyle, attributes) {
          if (attributes.containsKey('text') &&
              (attributes['text'].substring(0, 1) == '#') &&
              attributes['text'].length >= 6) {
            final String hexColor = attributes['text'].substring(1);
            final String alphaChannel = (hexColor.length == 8) ? hexColor.substring(6, 8) : 'FF';
            final Color color = Color(int.parse('0x$alphaChannel' + hexColor.substring(0, 6)));
            return baseStyle.copyWith(color: color);
          } else {
            return baseStyle;

An example of inserting an input field widget in place of a tag:

  text: 'Text with <input/> inside.',
  tags: {
    'input': StyledTextAdvanceWidgetTag(
        decoration: InputDecoration(
          hintText: 'Input',
      size: Size.fromWidth(200),
      constraints: BoxConstraints.tight(Size(100, 50)),

An example of using a widget with the ability to select rich text:

  text: 'Test: <bold>bold</bold> text.',
  tags: {
    'bold': StyledTextAdvanceTag(style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),

Specifying the text style


  text: 'Example: <b>bold</b> text.',
  tags: {
    'b': StyledTextAdvanceTag(style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),


  text: 'Text with alarm <alarm/> icon.',
  tags: {
    'alarm': StyledTextAdvanceIconTag(Icons.alarm),

Specifying a tap handler


  text: 'Text with <link href="">link</link> inside.',
  tags: {
    'link': StyledTextAdvanceActionTag(
      (_, attrs) => _openLink(context, attrs),
      style: TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline),


  text: 'Text with custom <color text="#ff5500">color</color> text.',
  tags: {
    'color': StyledTextAdvanceCustomTag(
        baseStyle: TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic),
        parse: (baseStyle, attributes) {
          // Parser code here...

Specifying the image handler


                    'Here is a local image: <img>assets/image.jpg</img> and a network image: <img></img>.',
                tags: {
                  'img': StyledTextAdvanceImageTag(
                    width: 100,
                    height: 100,
                    fit: BoxFit.cover,

Specifying the Audio style

AUDIO StyledTextAdvance( text: 'Here is a local audio file: and a network audio file: .', tags: { 'audio': StyledTextAdvanceAudioTag( onTap: (String? text, Map<String?, String?>? attributes) { // Handle audio play action here. This might involve using the 'audioplayers' package // to play the audio file specified in text or an attribute. }, ), }, ),