Style Random

Random string generator with easy syntax and many complex options. Specify random template by character classes, define length, order by classes, add conditions like starting with, ending with or duplication.


The random code generator that can be used for many needs is created with a single template. This template is parsed at the beginning and generates random codes suitable for all conditions.

style_random is basically designed to customize random codes such as data identifier, OTP, 2FA, short link in the style_dart backend framework.

In addition, when we create the customized protocol in the web socket implementation, an additional small security measure is aimed by verifying that the random message identifiers created by the client or received from the server are created with the same secret template.

Getting started

Define Template

void main() {
  final generator = RandomGenerator("/l(5)A{-}/l(10)[#a]/e(#)/s({AEIOU})");

What does it mean?

In order;

  • 5 capital letters.
  • 1 -
  • 10 lowercase letters or numbers. (unordered)

With Conditions;

  • Must start with a capital vowel
  • Must end with a number


void main() {
  final generator = RandomGenerator("/l(5)A{-}/l(10)[#a]/e(#)/s({AEIOU})");
  gen.generateString(); // x6

Get results:



We can start by explaining the numbers;

  1. The things that make up a template are expressions and options.
    Expressions are character classes, character groups, or static characters. These will be explained below.

a [A#] {-}

a lowercase letters
[A#] uppercase letters or numbers
{-} just -

  1. The options at the end of the template affect the entire template. So we can call them global options.

<option><class> this option only effect the class.
<class1><class2><option> and this option effect all template.

All options start with /<option-name>.
In addition, options can take parameters such as /<option-name>(<param1>,<param2>).

/l(10) a for example l is the length option and when given to a character class it determines how many instances of that class will be produced.
a # /l(15) Similarly, it determines the length of the random value produced when given as a global option.

  1. We can group character classes instead of one character class. The difference between grouping and regular typing is order. While it is sequential in normal writing, it randomly selects from among the group.

a [A#] {-}
This statement produces a String with a , [A#] and - in order.
But the expression [A#] selects out of order in itself.

In the example below we can see this

void main() {
  var gen = RandomGenerator("/l(5)a /l(5)[A#] {-}");
  print(gen.generateString()); // x6

All outs ordered by a(lower letters) -> [A#](group) -> -(static)
But A(capital letters) and #(numbers) are mixed-order within themselves.



Character classes

. any character. (ASCII 33-126)

# any number from 0 to 9. 9 include

* any letter. (ASCII 65-90 and 97-122)

l lover case letters. (ASCII 65-90)

L upper case letters. (ASCII 97-122)

s any specific character (ASCII 33-47, 58-64, 91-96, 123-126)

w any specific character exclude url specific characters


[<cl><cl>] character class group. No sorting is done within the group.

[a #] lower case letters or numbers

Static Expression

Static characters are expressed with {}. Static expressions instantiate the contents as they are.

E.g. {-} , {42} , {xyz}


/l() Length

The length option can be added anywhere. It determines the length of that expression when added to an expression, and the length of the entire expression when added to global options.
The length option can take a fixed number or a range.


When a constant number like /l(<n>) is given, exactly n times produced.


The length can be defined within a certain range.

If a range is given as a length, the generator checks the parent-child lengths. If it is impossible, it will throw an error when RandomGenerator is defined.

This impossibility arises when the maximum value of the child is less than the minimum set by the parent (for example, global /l()) for that child, etc.

There are 3 ways of range definition:

/l(<min>-<max>) minimum and maximum are defined.
/l(-<max>) maximum is defined. If there is no minimum set by parent for this expression, the minimum can be 0. So from this expression it may not be created at all.
/l(<min>-) minimum is defined, maximum is infinity. The length must be restricted by the parent when this expression is used. Otherwise, it will throw an error with the message "max unbounded".

If the range is used as the length, the generator randomly determines the lengths in these intervals when it is built.

The length of static expressions is always the length of the String inside.

{-}      : auto add /l(1)
{mehmet} : auto add /l(6)

The Length option automatically determines the length of expressions without a length specified by looking at the child parent relationships.

All results in the example below conform to the same template

1. exp |      2.exp      | 3. exp | global opts
     a     /l(5)   [A#]     {-}       /l(11)
/l(5)a     /l(5)   [A#]     {-}
/l(5)a     /l(1-10)[A#]     {-}       /l(11)
/l(5)a             [A#]     {-}       /l(11)
a        [/l(3)A/l(2)#]     {-}       /l(11)

End options

End options specifies the conditions for the start or end(last index) of expressions.

These end expressions are defined as /option-name(classes or characters).

It can take more than one parameter. Character class names must be direct, and specific characters must inside of {}. Parameters are separated by commas.

For example:

/s(a,{-},{@5c}) . any character (ASCII 33-126) BUT must start with;

  • a lower case letters
  • {-} the character of -
  • {@5c} characters of "@" or "5" or "c"

There are 4 types of end options.

/s(<cl>|<char>) Starts with
/e(<cl>|<char>) Ends with
/<(<cl>|<char>) Not start with
/>(<cl>|<char>) Not end with

If you are using it for security purposes (for example, to generate a key), preventing(or to reduce) duplication or templates whose random values are similar to each other will NOT make your key more secure. It makes it more INSECURE.


While the template is being built, it is checked whether this condition is possible in most cases.

E.g. /s(a) # in the expression, generation with the condition is impossible. Because the condition is to create an instance from class #, starting from class a. But any # does not contain any a.

Many possibilities are reviewed and if there is an impossibility, an error is thrown during the build. Loops are limited to the square of the length to avoid endless loops due to missed debugging.

An error is thrown when these conditions conflict. If the parent has the same condition, the child is not accepted and gives an error.

End Options Examples

/s(#)/e(#)./l(20) 20 any character. It must start with a number and end with a number.

/s(#)/>(s)./l(20) 20 any character. It must start with a number and not end with a specific characters.

On Generate Length

If the range is used as the length, the generator randomly determines the lengths in these intervals when it is built.

This means that all results will be of the same length. But if you want the length to be re-selected for each instance ( with some performance degradation), then onGenerateLength: true should be.

void main() {
  var gen = RandomGenerator(
      "/l(1-9)# /l(1-9)a /l(10)",
      onGenerateLength: true

In this example, numbers of length 1-9(random length in this range) and lowercase letters of length 1-9 are produced, orderly.

If we want these lengths to change with each election, the result may be like this:

              #  a
1402joprny    4  6
149375894j    9  1
1951222jid    7  3
045325921b    9  1
62275783mz    8  2
883267zryq    6  4

if onGenerateLength: false :

             #  a
0050lpzaeb   4  6  // in the first instance the lengths were determined
3540ozjutp   4  6
4886zraewb   4  6
5013hcuovm   4  6
6461wcwdkd   4  6
2639wjysim   4  6

Custom Random Delegate

Define custom random

class CustomRandom extends RandomDelegate {
  CustomRandom() : super();

  int nextInt(int max) {
    return 10;


void main() {
  var gen = RandomGenerator(
      randomDelegate: CustomRandom()

Sample templates according to usage areas

Features to be added

  • include - exclude options for character classes
  • Duplication option: limit duplications , consecutive-duplications.
  • Range option for #.
  • Template matches. Checking the compatibility of the given samples with the template. For secret templates.
  • Encoding-decoding with JSON.(toJson,fromJson)
  • Random template generation. It can be used to generate a template as random.
  • Tutorial - Demo web application like


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