save method

Future<T> save({
  1. bool onlyUpdate = false,

Save the object to the database. By default, this will upsert the object, i.e. insert it if it does not exist, or update it if it does. If onlyUpdate is set to true, the object has to exist in the database, otherwise the result will be empty.


Future<T> save({bool onlyUpdate = false}) async {
  final tableQuery = env.client.from(tableName(T));
  PostgrestFilterBuilder query;
  if (onlyUpdate) {
    query = tableQuery.upsert(this.toJson());
    for (final entry in primaryKeys.entries) {
      query = query.eq(entry.key, entry.value);
  } else {
    query = tableQuery.upsert(this.toJson());
  return SupabaseQuery.extractSupabaseList<T>(await;