fetchResultsCSVTable static method
static Future<String> fetchResultsCSVTable(String studyId) async {
final List res;
try {
res = await env.client
.eq('study_id', studyId);
} catch (error, stacktrace) {
SupabaseQuery.catchSupabaseException(error, stacktrace);
final jsonList = List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(res);
if (jsonList.isEmpty) return '';
final tableHeadersSet = jsonList[0].keys.toSet();
final flattenedQuestions = jsonList.map((progress) {
if (progress['result_type'] == 'QuestionnaireState') {
for (final result
in List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(progress['result'] as List)) {
progress[result['question'] as String] = result['response'];
tableHeadersSet.add(result['question'] as String);
// progress.remove('result');
return progress;
}).toList(growable: false);
final tableHeaders = tableHeadersSet.toList();
// Convert to List and fill empty cells with empty string
final resultsTable = [
(progress) => tableHeaders
.map((header) => progress[header] ?? '')
.toList(growable: false),
return const ListToCsvConverter().convert(resultsTable);