StrokeOrderAnimationController class

A ChangeNotifier that controls the behaviour of a stroke order diagram. It must be passed as an argument to a StrokeOrderAnimator that handles the actual presentation of the diagram. It can be consumed by the StrokeOrderAnimator and an app to allow for synchronization of, e.g., control buttons with the animations.



StrokeOrderAnimationController(String _strokeOrder, dynamic tickerProvider, {double strokeAnimationSpeed = 1, double hintAnimationSpeed = 3, bool showStroke = true, bool showOutline = true, bool showMedian = false, bool showUserStroke = false, bool highlightRadical = false, Color strokeColor =, Color outlineColor =, Color medianColor =, Color radicalColor =, Color brushColor =, double brushWidth = 8.0, int hintAfterStrokes = 3, Color hintColor = Colors.lightBlueAccent, Function? onQuizCompleteCallback, Function? onWrongStrokeCallback, Function? onCorrectStrokeCallback})


brushColor Color
no setter
brushWidth double
no setter
currentStroke int
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
highlightRadical bool
no setter
hintAfterStrokes int
no setter
hintAnimationController AnimationController
no setter
hintColor Color
no setter
isAnimating bool
no setter
isQuizzing bool
no setter
medianColor Color
no setter
medians List<List<Offset>>
no setter
nStrokes int
no setter
outlineColor Color
no setter
radicalColor Color
no setter
radicalStrokes List<int>
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showMedian bool
no setter
showOutline bool
no setter
showStroke bool
no setter
showUserStroke bool
no setter
strokeAnimationController AnimationController
no setter
strokeColor Color
no setter
strokeOrder String
no setter
strokes List<Path>
no setter
summary QuizSummary
no setter


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
addOnCorrectStrokeCallback(Function? onCorrectStrokeCallback) → void
addOnQuizCompleteCallback(Function? onQuizCompleteCallback) → void
addOnWrongStrokeCallback(Function? onWrongStrokeCallback) → void
animateHint() → void
checkStroke(List<Offset?> rawStroke) → void
convertOffsetsToPath(List<Offset> points) Path
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
getAllowedLengthRange(double medianLength) List<double>
getLength(List<Offset> points) double
getNonNullPointsFrom(List<Offset?> rawPoints) List<Offset>
getStartEndMargin(double medianLength) double
nextStroke() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyCorrectStrokeCallbacks() → void
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
notifyQuizCompleteCallbacks() → void
notifyWrongStrokeCallbacks() → void
previousStroke() → void
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
reset() → void
setBrushColor(Color value) → void
setBrushWidth(double value) → void
setHighlightRadical(bool value) → void
setHintAfterStrokes(int value) → void
setHintAnimationSpeed(double value) → void
setHintColor(Color value) → void
setMedianColor(Color value) → void
setOutlineColor(Color value) → void
setRadicalColor(Color value) → void
setShowMedian(bool value) → void
setShowOutline(bool value) → void
setShowStroke(bool value) → void
setShowUserStroke(bool value) → void
setStrokeAnimationSpeed(double value) → void
setStrokeColor(Color value) → void
setStrokeOrder(String strokeOrder) → void
showFullCharacter() → void
startAnimation() → void
startQuiz() → void
stopAnimation() → void
stopQuiz() → void
strokeEndIsWithinMargin(List<Offset> points, List<Offset> currentMedian, double startEndMargin) bool
strokeHasRightDirection(List<Offset> points, List<Offset> currentMedian) bool
strokeIsCorrect(double strokeLength, List<Offset> stroke) bool
strokeLengthWithinBounds(double strokeLength, List<double> lengthRange) bool
strokeStartIsWithinMargin(List<Offset> points, List<Offset> currentMedian, double startEndMargin) bool
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.