confirmPaymentWithGooglePay method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> confirmPaymentWithGooglePay(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. required String paymentIntentClientSecret,
  3. required Map<String, dynamic> paymentResult,

Confirm and authenticate a payment with Google Pay. /// paymentResult must be the result of requesting a Google Pay payment with the pay library. Returns the PaymentIntent.


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> confirmPaymentWithGooglePay(BuildContext context,
    {required String paymentIntentClientSecret, required Map<String, dynamic> paymentResult}) async {
  final data = <String, dynamic>{'return_url': getReturnUrlForSca()};
  final String token = paymentResult['paymentMethodData']['tokenizationData']['token'] as String;
  final tokenJson = jsonDecode(token) as Map<String, dynamic>;
  final tokenId = tokenJson['id'] as String;
  data['payment_method_data'] = {
    'type': 'card',
    "card": {"token": tokenId}
  final Map<String, dynamic> paymentIntent = await api.confirmPaymentIntent(
    data: data,
  return _handlePaymentIntent(paymentIntent, context);