Stripe constructor
Creates a new Stripe object. Use this constructor if you wish to handle the instance of this class by yourself. Alternatively, use Stripe.init to create a singleton and access it through Stripe.instance.
is your publishable key, beginning with "pk_".
Your can copy your key from
is the id of a stripe customer and stats with "cus_".
This is a optional parameter.
should be used to specify a unique return url for
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) such as 3DS, 3DS2, BankID and others.
It is required to use your own app specific url scheme and host. This
parameter must match your "android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml"
and "ios/Runner/Info.plist" configuration.
Stripe(String publishableKey, {String? stripeAccount})
: api = StripeApi(publishableKey, stripeAccount: stripeAccount);