FinancialConnectionBankAccountToken constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const FinancialConnectionBankAccountToken({
  1. BankAccount? bankAccount,
  2. required bool livemode,
  3. String? id,
  4. required bool used,
  5. int? created,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory FinancialConnectionBankAccountToken({
  /// Bamkaccount details
  BankAccount? bankAccount,

  /// When `true` the object exists in livemode and when false the object exists in test mode.
  required bool livemode,

  /// Unique id for this token.
  String? id,

  /// whether or not this token has been used
  required bool used,

  /// The Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) of the date this token was created
  int? created,
}) = _FinancialConnectionBankAccountToken;