PresentPaymentSheetParameters constructor

const PresentPaymentSheetParameters({
  1. required String clientSecret,
  2. @Default(false) bool confirmPayment,


const factory PresentPaymentSheetParameters({
  /// Key used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.
  required String clientSecret,

  /// Flag that determines whether or not to present payment options or
  /// directly goes to confirm payment.
  ///  When value is `false` make sure [SetupPaymentSheetParameters.customFlow]
  /// is set to `true` when initializing the payment sheet.
  /// If value is set to `true` [SetupPaymentSheetParameters.customFlow]
  /// has to be set to `false` when initializing the payment sheet.
  @Default(false) bool confirmPayment,
}) = _PresentParameters;