PaymentMethodDataUsBank constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const PaymentMethodDataUsBank({
  1. String? accountNumber,
  2. String? routingNumber,
  3. UsBankAccountHolderType? accountHolderType,
  4. UsBankAccountType? accountType,
  5. BillingDetails? billingDetails,
  6. ShippingDetails? shippingDetails,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory PaymentMethodDataUsBank({
  /// The account number of the bank account.
  String? accountNumber,

  ///The routing number, sort code, or other country-appropriate institution
  ///number for the bank account.
  String? routingNumber,

  /// The bank account type of the holder
  UsBankAccountHolderType? accountHolderType,

  /// The account type
  UsBankAccountType? accountType,

  /// Billing information.
  BillingDetails? billingDetails,

  /// Shipping details
  ShippingDetails? shippingDetails,
}) = _PaymentMethodDataUsBank;