CardElementClasses constructor

const CardElementClasses({
  1. String? base,
  2. String? complete,
  3. String? empty,
  4. String? focus,
  5. String? invalid,
  6. bool? webkitAutofill,


const factory CardElementClasses({
  /// The base class applied to the container. Defaults to StripeElement.
  String? base,

  /// The class name to apply when the Element is complete.
  /// Defaults to StripeElement--complete
  String? complete,

  /// The class name to apply when the Element is empty.
  /// Defaults to StripeElement--empty.
  String? empty,

  /// The class name to apply when the Element is focus.
  /// Defaults to StripeElement--focus.
  String? focus,

  /// The class name to apply when the Element is invalid.
  /// Defaults to StripeElement--invalid.
  String? invalid,

  /// The class name to apply when the Element has its value autofilled
  /// by the browser (only on Chrome and Safari).
  /// Defaults to StripeElement--webkit-autofill.
  bool? webkitAutofill,
}) = _CardElementClasses;