handleCardAction method

Future<PaymentIntentResponse> handleCardAction(
  1. String clientSecret

Use stripe.handleCardAction in the Payment Intents API manual confirmation flow to handle a PaymentIntent with the requires_action status. It will throw an error if the PaymentIntent has a different status.


Note that stripe.handleCardAction may take several seconds to complete. During that time, you should disable your form from being resubmitted and show a waiting indicator like a spinner. If you receive an error result, you should be sure to show that error to the customer, re-enable the form, and hide the waiting indicator. Additionally, stripe.handleCardAction may trigger a 3D Secure authentication challenge. The authentication challenge requires a context switch that can be hard to follow on a screen-reader. Ensure that your form is accessible by ensuring that success or error messages are clearly read out.


Future<PaymentIntentResponse> handleCardAction(String clientSecret) {
  return parseIntentResponse(js.handleCardAction(clientSecret));