confirmPayment method

Use stripe.confirmPayment to confirm a PaymentIntent using data collected by the Payment Element. When called, stripe.confirmPayment will attempt to complete any required actions, such as authenticating your user by displaying a 3DS dialog or redirecting them to a bank authorization page. Your user will be redirected to the return_url you pass once the confirmation is complete.


stripe.confirmPayment will return a Promise. Upon a successful confirmation, your user will be redirected to the return_url you provide before the Promise ever resolves.

If the confirmation fails, the Promise will resolve with an {error} object that describes the failure. When the error type is card_error or validation_error, you can display the error message in error.message directly to your user. An error type of invalid_request_error could be due to an invalid request or 3DS authentication failures.

Note that for some payment methods such as iDEAL or Afterpay Clearpay, your user will first be redirected to an intermediate page to authorize the payment. If they fail to authorize the payment, they will be redirected back to your return_url and the PaymentIntent will have a status of requires_payment_method. In this case you should attempt to recollect payment from the user.

Note that stripe.confirmPayment may take several seconds to complete. During that time, you should disable your form from being resubmitted and show a waiting indicator like a spinner. If you receive an error result, you should be sure to show that error to the customer, re-enable the form, and hide the waiting indicator.


Future<PaymentIntentResponse> confirmPayment(
  ConfirmPaymentOptions options,
) {
  return parseIntentResponse(js.confirmPayment(jsify(options.toJson())));