confirmCardPayment method

Future<PaymentIntentResponse> confirmCardPayment(
  1. String clientSecret, {
  2. ConfirmCardPaymentData? data,
  3. ConfirmCardPaymentOptions? options,

Use stripe.confirmCardPayment when the customer submits your payment form. When called, it will confirm the PaymentIntent with data you provide and carry out 3DS or other next actions if they are required.

If you are using Dynamic 3D Secure, stripe.confirmCardPayment will trigger your Radar rules to execute and may open a dialog for your customer to authenticate their payment.

When you confirm a PaymentIntent, it needs to have an attached PaymentMethod. In addition to confirming the PaymentIntent, this method can automatically create and attach a new PaymentMethod for you. It can also be called with an existing PaymentMethod, or if you have already attached a PaymentMethod you can call this method without needing to provide any additional data. These use cases are detailed in the sections that follow.


Future<PaymentIntentResponse> confirmCardPayment(
  String clientSecret, {
  ConfirmCardPaymentData? data,
  ConfirmCardPaymentOptions? options,
}) {
  final jsData = jsify(data?.toJson() ?? {});
  final jsOptions = jsify(options?.toJson() ?? {});
  return parseIntentResponse(