StripeError constructor

const StripeError({
  1. String? type,
  2. String? code,
  3. String? decline_code,
  4. String? message,
  5. String? param,


const factory StripeError({
  /// The type of error returned. One of api_error, card_error,
  /// idempotency_error, or invalid_request_error
  String? type,

  /// For some errors that could be handled programmatically,
  /// a short string indicating the error code reported.
  String? code,

  /// For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string
  /// indicating the card issuer’s reason for the decline if they provide one.
  String? decline_code,

  /// A human-readable message providing more details about the error.
  /// For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users.
  String? message,

  /// If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error.
  /// For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form
  /// field.
  String? param,
}) = _PaymentElementChangeEvent;