PaymentIntent constructor

const PaymentIntent({
  1. required String id,
  2. @Default("payment_intent") String object,
  3. required int amount,
  4. @JsonKey(name: "amount_capturable") int? amountCapturable,
  5. @Default(PaymentIntentAmountDetails()) @JsonKey(name: "amount_details") PaymentIntentAmountDetails? amountDetails,
  6. @JsonKey(name: "amount_received") int? amountReceived,
  7. String? application,
  8. @JsonKey(name: "application_fee_amount") int? applicationFeeAmount,
  9. @JsonKey(name: "automatic_payment_methods") PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethods? automaticPaymentMethods,
  10. @JsonKey(name: "canceled_at") int? canceledAt,
  11. @JsonKey(name: "cancellation_reason") PaymentIntentCancellationReason? cancellationReason,
  12. @JsonKey(name: "client_secret") required String clientSecret,
  13. @JsonKey(name: "capture_method") @Default(PaymentIntentCaptureMethod.automatic) PaymentIntentCaptureMethod captureMethod,
  14. @JsonKey(name: "confirmation_method") @Default(PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod.automatic) PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod confirmationMethod,
  15. int? created,
  16. required String currency,
  17. String? customer,
  18. String? description,
  19. String? invoice,
  20. @JsonKey(name: "last_payment_error") StripeError? lastPaymentError,
  21. @JsonKey(name: "latest_charge") String? latestCharge,
  22. required bool livemode,
  23. @Default({}) Map<String, dynamic> metadata,
  24. @JsonKey(name: "next_action") dynamic nextAction,
  25. @JsonKey(name: "on_behalf_of") String? onBehalfOf,
  26. @JsonKey(name: "payment_method") String? paymentMethod,
  27. @Default({}) @JsonKey(name: "payment_method_options") Map paymentMethodOptions,
  28. @JsonKey(name: "payment_method_types") @Default([]) List<PaymentMethodType> paymentMethodTypes,
  29. dynamic processing,
  30. @JsonKey(name: "receipt_email") String? receiptEmail,
  31. String? review,
  32. @JsonKey(name: "setup_future_usage") PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage? setupFutureUsage,
  33. ShippingDetails? shipping,
  34. @JsonKey(name: "statement_descriptor") String? statementDescriptor,
  35. @JsonKey(name: "statement_descriptor_suffix") String? statementDescriptorSuffix,
  36. required PaymentIntentsStatus status,
  37. @JsonKey(name: "transfer_data") dynamic transferData,
  38. @JsonKey(name: "transfer_group") dynamic transferGroup,


const factory PaymentIntent({
  /// Unique identifier for the object.
  required String id,

  /// String representing the object’s type.
  /// Objects of the same type share the same value.
  /// Value is "payment_intent".
  @Default("payment_intent") String object,

  /// Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent.
  /// A positive integer representing how much to charge in the
  /// smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to
  /// charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency).
  /// The minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in charge currency.
  /// The amount value supports up to eight digits
  /// (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
  required int amount,

  /// The amount that can be captured with from this PaymentIntent (in cents).
  @JsonKey(name: "amount_capturable") int? amountCapturable,

  /// Details about items included in the amount
  @JsonKey(name: "amount_details")
      PaymentIntentAmountDetails? amountDetails,

  /// The amount that was collected from this PaymentIntent (in cents).
  @JsonKey(name: "amount_received") int? amountReceived,

  /// ID of the Connect application that created the PaymentIntent.
  String? application,

  /// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to
  /// be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner’s
  /// Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be
  /// capped at the total payment amount.
  /// For more information, see the PaymentIntents use
  /// case for connected accounts..
  @JsonKey(name: "application_fee_amount") int? applicationFeeAmount,

  /// Settings to configure compatible payment methods from the
  /// Stripe Dashboard
  @JsonKey(name: "automatic_payment_methods")
      PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethods? automaticPaymentMethods,

  /// Populated when status is canceled, this is the time at which the
  /// PaymentIntent was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
  @JsonKey(name: "canceled_at") int? canceledAt,

  /// Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent,
  /// either user-provided
  /// (duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or abandoned) or
  /// generated by Stripe internally
  /// (failed_invoice, void_invoice, or automatic).
  @JsonKey(name: "cancellation_reason")
      PaymentIntentCancellationReason? cancellationReason,

  /// The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval
  /// using a publishable key.
  /// The client secret can be used to complete a payment from your frontend.
  /// It should not be stored, logged, or exposed to anyone other than the
  /// customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes
  /// the client secret.
  /// Refer to our docs to accept a payment and learn about how `client_secret`
  /// should be handled.
  @JsonKey(name: "client_secret") required String clientSecret,

  /// Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account.
  @JsonKey(name: "capture_method")
      PaymentIntentCaptureMethod captureMethod,
  @JsonKey(name: "confirmation_method")
      PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod confirmationMethod,

  /// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the
  /// Unix epoch.
  int? created,

  /// Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported
  /// currency.
  required String currency,

  /// ID of the Customer this PaymentIntent belongs to, if one exists.
  /// Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this
  /// PaymentIntent.
  /// If present in combination with setup_future_usage,
  /// this PaymentIntent’s payment method will be attached to the
  /// Customer after the PaymentIntent has been confirmed and any
  /// required actions from the user are complete.
  String? customer,

  /// An arbitrary string attached to the object.
  /// Often useful for displaying to users.
  String? description,

  /// ID of the invoice that created this PaymentIntent, if it exists.
  String? invoice,

  /// The payment error encountered in the previous PaymentIntent confirmation.
  /// It will be cleared if the PaymentIntent is later updated for any reason.
  @JsonKey(name: "last_payment_error") StripeError? lastPaymentError,

  /// The latest charge created by this payment intent.
  @JsonKey(name: "latest_charge") String? latestCharge,

  /// Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the
  /// value false if the object exists in test mode.
  required bool livemode,

  /// Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object.
  /// This can be useful for storing additional information about the
  /// object in a structured format.
  @Default({}) Map<String, dynamic> metadata,

  /// If present, this property tells you what actions you need to
  /// take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the
  /// provided source.
  @JsonKey(name: "next_action") dynamic nextAction,

  /// The account (if any) for which the funds of the PaymentIntent are
  /// intended. See the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts
  /// for details.
  @JsonKey(name: "on_behalf_of") String? onBehalfOf,

  /// ID of the payment method used in this PaymentIntent.
  @JsonKey(name: "payment_method") String? paymentMethod,

  /// Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.
  @JsonKey(name: "payment_method_options")
      Map<dynamic, dynamic> paymentMethodOptions,

  /// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent
  /// is allowed to use.
  @JsonKey(name: "payment_method_types")
      List<PaymentMethodType> paymentMethodTypes,

  /// If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment.
  dynamic processing,

  /// Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to.
  /// If receipt_email is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt
  /// will be sent regardless of your email settings.
  @JsonKey(name: "receipt_email") String? receiptEmail,

  // ID of the review associated with this PaymentIntent, if any.
  String? review,

  /// Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this
  /// PaymentIntent’s payment method.
  /// Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the
  /// PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is
  /// confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. I
  /// If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to
  /// a Customer after the transaction completes.
  /// When processing card payments, Stripe also uses setup_future_usage
  /// to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional
  /// legislation and network rules, such as SCA.
  @JsonKey(name: "setup_future_usage")
      PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage? setupFutureUsage,

  /// Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.
  ShippingDetails? shipping,

  /// For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete
  /// description that appears on your customers’ statements.
  /// Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
  @JsonKey(name: "statement_descriptor") String? statementDescriptor,

  /// Provides information about a card payment that customers see on
  /// their statements.
  /// Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement
  /// descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement
  /// descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
  @JsonKey(name: "statement_descriptor_suffix")
      String? statementDescriptorSuffix,

  /// Status of this PaymentIntent, one of requires_payment_method,
  /// requires_confirmation, requires_action, processing, requires_capture,
  /// canceled, or succeeded.
  required PaymentIntentsStatus status,

  /// The data with which to automatically create a Transfer when the payment
  /// is finalized. See the PaymentIntents use case for connected
  /// accounts for details.
  @JsonKey(name: "transfer_data") dynamic transferData,

  /// A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group.
  /// See the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts for details.
  @JsonKey(name: "transfer_group") dynamic transferGroup,
}) = _PaymentIntent;