PaymentElementOptions constructor

const PaymentElementOptions({
  1. PaymentElementLayout? layout,
  2. PaymentElementDefaultValues? defaultValues,
  3. PaymentElementBusiness? business,
  4. dynamic paymentMethodOrder,
  5. PaymentElementFields? fields,
  6. dynamic readOnly,
  7. dynamic terms,
  8. dynamic wallets,


const factory PaymentElementOptions({
  PaymentElementLayout? layout,

  /// Provide initial customer information that will be displayed
  /// in the Payment Element.
  /// The form will render with empty fields if not provided.
  PaymentElementDefaultValues? defaultValues,

  /// Provide information about your business that will
  /// be displayed in the Payment Element.
  /// This information will be retrieved from your Stripe account
  /// if not provided.
  PaymentElementBusiness? business,
  dynamic paymentMethodOrder,

  /// By default, the Payment Element will collect all necessary details to
  /// complete a payment.
  /// For some payment methods, this means that the Payment Element will
  /// collect details like name or email that you may have already collected
  /// from the user.
  /// If this is the case, you can prevent the Payment Element from collecting
  /// these data by using the fields option.
  /// If you disable the collection of a certain field with the fields option,
  /// you must pass that same data to stripe.confirmPayment or the payment will
  /// be rejected.

  PaymentElementFields? fields,
  dynamic readOnly,
  dynamic terms,
  dynamic wallets,
}) = _PaymentElementOptions;