IdealPaymentMethodDetails.withBank constructor

  1. @FreezedUnionValue('ideal')
const IdealPaymentMethodDetails.withBank({
  1. required IdealBankData ideal,
  2. @JsonKey(name: "billing_details") BillingDetails? billingDetails,

If you already know the customer’s bank or want to collect it yourself, then you do not need to use the idealBank Element. You can pass in the customer’s bank code directly to create a new PaymentMethod and confirm the PaymentIntent.


const factory IdealPaymentMethodDetails.withBank({
  /// Uses the provided card or cardNumber Element for confirmation.
  required IdealBankData ideal,

  /// The billing_details associated with the card.
  @JsonKey(name: "billing_details") BillingDetails? billingDetails,
}) = _IdealPaymentMethodDetailsSelfCollect;