IdealPaymentMethodDetails constructor

  1. @FreezedUnionValue('ideal')
const IdealPaymentMethodDetails({
  1. @ElementConverter() required Element ideal,
  2. @JsonKey(name: "billing_details") BillingDetails? billingDetails,

Use stripe.confirmCardPayment with payment data from an Element by passing a card or cardNumber Element as payment_methodcard in the data argument.

The new PaymentMethod will be created with data collected by the Element and will be used to confirm the PaymentIntent.


const factory IdealPaymentMethodDetails({
  /// Uses the provided card or cardNumber Element for confirmation.
  @ElementConverter() required Element ideal,

  /// The billing_details associated with the card.
  @JsonKey(name: "billing_details") BillingDetails? billingDetails,
}) = _IdealPaymentMethodDetails;