pub package

Stringcare Flutter

A Landa dependency

Flutter plugin for encrypt/decrypt String and Uint8List objects easily with C++ code.

Android iOS Web macOS Windows Linux Fuchsia
Status :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Language C++ C++ Dart C++ C++ C++

Retrieve any string resource quickly and easily, anywhere:


  "hello_there": "Hello there!"

Simplify the way you work with secured resources, Strings and Uint8List objects:



Basic setup, not secured

- iOS macOS Setup

Secured Setup

- Prepare your private repository

- iOS macOS Setup

- Key Setup

- Finish The Setup

String Usage

- Simple Usage

- With Extra Keys

Uint8List Usage

- Simple Usage

- With Extra Keys


- Project Configuration

- Locales

- I18n Configuration

- Usage


- Project Configuration

- Simple Usage

- Assets Images Usage

- Svg Assets Images Usage