wordCount function

int wordCount(
  1. String str, {
  2. bool inWord = false,
  3. bool ignorePunctuation = false,

Finds the number of words in str

inWord allows for incremental counting of a string over multiple calls, and prevents double counting by telling function it's still in a word.

ignorePunctuation facilitates checking words that include symbols.


int wordCount(String str,
    {bool inWord = false, bool ignorePunctuation = false}) {
  var _wordCount = 0;
  var _inWord = inWord;
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    final tChar = str[i];
    final punctuationContinue = !ignorePunctuation && !tChar.isPunctuation;
    if (tChar.isChar && !tChar.isWhiteSpace && punctuationContinue) {
      if (_inWord == false) {
        _inWord = true;
    } else {
      if (_inWord) _wordCount++;
      _inWord = false;
  if (_inWord) _wordCount++;
  return _wordCount;