greekTimeLiteralToEnglish property

String get greekTimeLiteralToEnglish

Replaces the Greek 12-hour time literals with the English 12-hour time literals. πμ -> pm -> AM (ante meridiem / before mesembria / before noon) μμ -> mm -> PM (post meridiem / after mesembria / after noon)

For example:

05/12/2023 05:45:17 μ.μ.

will return

05/12/2023 05:45:17 PM


String get greekTimeLiteralToEnglish {
  // If the String does not contain any Greek characters, return it as is.
  if (!this.containsAnyGreekCharacter) {
    return this;

  // Translate all the Greek letters to the equivalent English ones.
  String onlyEnglishCharacters = this.replaceGreek.trim();

  // Transform to the equivalent English time literals.
  onlyEnglishCharacters =
      onlyEnglishCharacters.replaceAll(".", "").toLowerCase();

  onlyEnglishCharacters = onlyEnglishCharacters.contains("pm")
      ? onlyEnglishCharacters.replaceAll("pm", "AM")
      : onlyEnglishCharacters.replaceAll("mm", "PM");

  return onlyEnglishCharacters;