commonCharacters method

Set<String> commonCharacters(
  1. String otherString, {
  2. bool caseSensitive = true,
  3. bool sort = true,
  4. bool includeSpaces = false,

Returns a Set of the common characters between the two Strings.

The String is case sensitive & sorted by default.


String foo = 'Hello World';
List<String> commonLetters = foo.commonCharacters('World Hello'); // returns ['H', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'r', 'w', 'd'];
String foo = 'Hello World';
List<String> commonLetters = foo.commonCharacters('World Hello!'); // returns ['H', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'r', 'w', 'd'];


Set<String> commonCharacters(
  String otherString, {
  bool caseSensitive = true,
  bool sort = true,
  bool includeSpaces = false,
}) {
  if (this.isBlank) {
    return {};

  String processString(String input) {
    return (caseSensitive ? input : input.toLowerCase())
        .where((char) => includeSpaces || char != ' ')

  final Set<String> commonLettersSet = {};
  final Set<String> otherStringSet =

  for (final letter in processString(this!).split('')) {
    if (otherStringSet.contains(letter)) {

  if (sort) {
    final List<String> sortedList = commonLettersSet.toList()..sort();
    return sortedList.toSet();
  } else {
    return commonLettersSet;