addAfter method

String addAfter(
  1. String pattern,
  2. String addition

Adds a String after the first match of the pattern. The pattern should not be null.

If there is no match, the String is returned unchanged.


String test = 'hello brother what a day today';
String afterString = test.addAfter('brother', ' sam '); // returns 'hello brother sam what a day today ';


String addAfter(String pattern, String addition) {
  if (this.isBlank) {
    return this;

  if (!this.contains(pattern)) {
    return this;

  List<String> patternWords = pattern.split(' ');

  if (patternWords.isEmpty) {
    return '';
  int indexOfLastPatternWord = this.indexOf(patternWords.last);

  if (patternWords.last.length == 0) {
    return '';

  return this.substring(0, indexOfLastPatternWord + 1) +
      addition +
      this.substring(indexOfLastPatternWord + 1, this.length);