LoggerConfig constructor

  1. ConfigMap map

Constructs a collection of logger levels.

Extracts logger names and levels from the config map.

The named levels are the same as those defined by the logging package: ALL, FINEST, FINER, FINE, CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, SHOUT and OFF.

The logger names and the levels are both case-sensitive.


LoggerConfig(ConfigMap map) {
  for (final k in map.keys()) {
    assert(!levels.containsKey(k), 'duplicate should never happen');

    // Get the value for the level

    final type = map.type(k);

    Level level;

    if (type == ConfigType.string) {
      // Named level

      final name = map.string(k);

      // Look in [Level.LEVELS] to find a level that matches the name

      try {
        level = Level.LEVELS.firstWhere((x) => x.name == name);
        // ignore: avoid_catching_errors
      } on StateError {
        throw ConfigExceptionValue(
            'level unknown ("$name")', map.path, k, name);
    } else if (type == ConfigType.integer) {
      // Numeric level

      final num = map.integer(k);

      // Note: ALL is smaller than FINEST and OFF is larger than SHOUT, so
      // it is possible for custom levels to be more finer than the finest and
      // greater than shouting.

      if (num < Level.ALL.value && Level.OFF.value < num) {
        throw ConfigExceptionValue(
            'level out of range [${Level.ALL.value}-${Level.OFF.value}]',
        // could have passed max and min to `integer`, but doing it this
        // way allows a customised error message to be produced.

      level = Level('CUSTOM_$num', num);
    } else {
      // Neither a string nor an integer
      throw ConfigExceptionKey('level not a string or integer', map.path, k);

    // Store the level

    levels[k] = level;