overlay property

Widget? overlay

This widget will be placed on top the header container. Can be used to add clickable items to the header bottom which doesn't prevent it from scrolling.

For example: overlay: Align(


//  alignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
//  child: Material(
//    color: Colors.transparent,
//    child: InkResponse(
//      onTap: () {
//        ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(
//          SnackBar(
//            content: Text('onTap'),
//          ),
//        );
//      },
//      child: Padding(
//        padding: EdgeInsets.all(12),
//        child: Icon(
//          Icons.fullscreen,
//          color: Colors.white,
//        ),
//      ),
//    ),
//  ),
final Widget? overlay;