setCustomValue<T> method

Future<bool> setCustomValue<T>(
  1. String key,
  2. T value, {
  3. required PreferenceAdapter<T> adapter,

Sets a value of custom type T and notifies all active listeners that there's a new value for the key.

Requires an implementation of a PreferenceAdapter for the type T. For an example of a custom adapter, see the source code for setString and StringAdapter.

Returns true if a value was successfully set for the key, otherwise returns false.


Future<bool> setCustomValue<T>(
  String key,
  T value, {
  required PreferenceAdapter<T> adapter,
}) {
    // ignore: invalid_use_of_internal_member
    key != Preference.$$_getKeysKey,
    // ignore: invalid_use_of_internal_member
    '"${Preference.$$_getKeysKey}" is a reserved key.',

  return _updateAndNotify(key, adapter.setValue(_preferences, key, value));