upload method

Future<String?> upload(
  1. AttachmentFile image, {
  2. OnSendProgress? onSendProgress,
  3. CancelToken? cancelToken,

Uploading an image input is a MultipartFile


final file = AttachmentFile(path: 'yourfilepath');
await client.images.upload(multipartFile);
  • To cancel the upload, call token.cancel('cancelled). For example
 var token = CancelToken();
  // In one minute, we cancel!
  Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
  await images.upload(AttachmentFile(path: 'yourfilepath'), token);
  • To get upload progress:
 await images.upload(AttachmentFile(path: 'yourfilepath'), onSendProgress:(sentBytes,totalBytes){
   if (totalBytes != -1) {
      print((sentBytes / total * 100).toStringAsFixed(0) + '%');

API docs: https://getstream.io/activity-feeds/docs/flutter-dart/files_introduction/?q=Image


Future<String?> upload(
  AttachmentFile image, {
  OnSendProgress? onSendProgress,
  CancelToken? cancelToken,
}) {
  final token =
      userToken ?? TokenHelper.buildFilesToken(secret!, TokenAction.write);
  return _images.upload(token, image,
      onSendProgress: onSendProgress, cancelToken: cancelToken);