dispose method

Future<void> dispose({
  1. String className = "",

Dipose Resources

This method will dispose all the Stream Subscriptions and Sinks that were added to the StreamDisposable.

If there is already a dispose action in progress, this method will throw an exception

In the same way, if the disposable is already disposed, this method will throw an exception

className: Class name to appear in the debugPrint statement


Future<void> dispose({String className = ""}) async {
  if (_isDisposing) {
    throw Exception("Already disposing");
  if (isDisposed) {
    throw Exception("Already disposed");
  _isDisposing = true;
  Future<void>? subscriptionFuture;
  Future<void>? sinkFuture;
  if (_streamsSubscriptions.isNotEmpty) {
    subscriptionFuture =
        Future.wait(_streamsSubscriptions.map((sub) => sub.cancel()));
  if (_sinks.isNotEmpty) {
    sinkFuture = Future.sync(() => _sinks.map((sink) => sink.close()));
  return Future.wait([
    subscriptionFuture ?? Future.value(null),
    sinkFuture ?? Future.value(null),
  ]).then((_) {
    _isDisposing = false;