ChannelListHeader typedef

  1. @Deprecated("Use 'StreamChannelListHeader' instead")
ChannelListHeader = StreamChannelListHeader

It shows the current StreamChatClient status.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final StreamChatClient client;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: StreamChat(
        client: client,
        child: Scaffold(
            appBar: ChannelListHeader(),

Usually you would use this widget as an AppBar inside a Scaffold. However you can also use it as a normal widget.

The widget by default uses the inherited StreamChatClient to fetch information about the status. However you can also pass your own StreamChatClient if you don't have it in the widget tree.

The widget components render the ui based on the first ancestor of type StreamChatTheme and on its StreamChannelListHeaderThemeData property. Modify it to change the widget appearance.


@Deprecated("Use 'StreamChannelListHeader' instead")
typedef ChannelListHeader = StreamChannelListHeader;