pickFile method

void pickFile(
  1. DefaultAttachmentTypes fileType, {
  2. bool camera = false,

Pick a file from the device If camera is true then the camera will open


void pickFile(
  DefaultAttachmentTypes fileType, {
  bool camera = false,
}) async {
  setState(() => _inputEnabled = false);

  AttachmentFile? file;
  String? attachmentType;

  if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.image) {
    attachmentType = 'image';
  } else if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.video) {
    attachmentType = 'video';
  } else if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.file) {
    attachmentType = 'file';

  if (camera) {
    XFile? pickedFile;
    if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.image) {
      pickedFile = await _imagePicker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.camera);
    } else if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.video) {
      pickedFile = await _imagePicker.pickVideo(source: ImageSource.camera);
    if (pickedFile != null) {
      final bytes = await pickedFile.readAsBytes();
      file = AttachmentFile(
        size: bytes.length,
        path: pickedFile.path,
        bytes: bytes,
  } else {
    late FileType type;
    if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.image) {
      type = FileType.image;
    } else if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.video) {
      type = FileType.video;
    } else if (fileType == DefaultAttachmentTypes.file) {
      type = FileType.any;
    final res = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
      type: type,
    if (res?.files.isNotEmpty == true) {
      file = res!.files.single.toAttachmentFile;

  setState(() => _inputEnabled = true);

  if (file == null) return;

  final mimeType = file.name?.mimeType ?? file.path!.split('/').last.mimeType;

  final extraDataMap = <String, Object>{};

  if (mimeType?.subtype != null) {
    extraDataMap['mime_type'] = mimeType!.subtype.toLowerCase();

  extraDataMap['file_size'] = file.size!;

  final attachment = Attachment(
    file: file,
    type: attachmentType,
    uploadState: const UploadState.preparing(),
    extraData: extraDataMap,

  if (file.size! > widget.maxAttachmentSize) {
    if (attachmentType == 'video' && file.path != null) {
      final mediaInfo = await (VideoService.compressVideo(
        frameRate: widget.compressedVideoFrameRate,
        quality: widget.compressedVideoQuality,
      ) as FutureOr<MediaInfo>);

      if (mediaInfo.filesize! > widget.maxAttachmentSize) {
            widget.maxAttachmentSize / (1024 * 1024),
      file = AttachmentFile(
        name: file.name,
        size: mediaInfo.filesize,
        bytes: await mediaInfo.file!.readAsBytes(),
        path: mediaInfo.path,
    } else {
        widget.maxAttachmentSize / (1024 * 1024),

  setState(() {
        file: file,
        extraData: {...attachment.extraData}
          ..update('file_size', ((_) => file!.size!)),