updateChannelThreads method

Future<void> updateChannelThreads(
  1. String cid,
  2. Map<String, List<Message>> threads

Updates the channel cid threads data along with reactions and users.


Future<void> updateChannelThreads(
  String cid,
  Map<String, List<Message>> threads,
) async {
  final messages = threads.values.expand((it) => it).toList();

  // Removing old reactions before saving the new
  final oldReactions = messages.map((it) => it.id).toList();
  await deleteReactionsByMessageId(oldReactions);

  // Adding new reactions and users data
  final reactions = messages.expand(_expandReactions).toList();
  final users = messages.map((it) => it.user).withNullifyer.toList();

  await Future.wait([
    updateMessages(cid, messages),