map method

  1. @override
void map(
  1. Pattern uri,
  2. Object? handler, {
  3. bool preceding = false,

Maps the given URI to the given handler.

  • uri - a pattern, either String or RegExp. If String, an instance of RegExp('^$pattern\$') will be generated and used for matching the requested URI.

You can also specify the HTTP method in the pattern, such as GET, POST, and PUT. For example, 'get:/foo' accepts only the GET method.

Note: you can specify WebSocket by prefixing with ws:, e.g., ws:/mine.

You can use the named capturing group, see handler for details.

  • handler - the handler for handling the request, or another URI that this request will be forwarded to.

If the handler is a string, you can refer the named capturing group with (the_group_name). For example: '/dead-link/(?<info>.*)': '/new-link/(info)' will forward /dead-link/whatevr to `/new-link/whatever.

If you'd like to redirect, you can do:

'/dead-link/(?<info>.*)': (connect) {
  connect.redirect("/new-link/${DefaultRouter.getNamedGroup(connect, 'info')");

Note: getNamedGroup is the util you can use in your handler to retrieve the named capturing group.

  • preceding - whether to make the mapping preceding any previous mappings. In other words, if true, this mapping will be interpreted first.


void map(Pattern uri, Object? handler, {preceding = false}) {
  if (handler != null && handler is! Function && handler is! String)
    throw ServerError("URI mapping: function (renderer) or string (URI) is required for $uri");

  _map(_uriMapping, uri, handler, preceding);