StorylyParam class

This class is used to customize the StorylyView




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isProductCartEnabled bool?
getter/setter pair
isProductFallbackEnabled bool?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
storyGroupAnimation String?
This attribute changes the animation of the story group
getter/setter pair
storyGroupIconBackgroundColor Color?
This attribute allows you to change the background color of the story group icon which is shown to the user as skeleton view till the stories are loaded.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupIconBorderColorNotSeen List<Color>?
This attribute allows you to change the border color of the story group icons which are unwatched by the user.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupIconBorderColorSeen List<Color>?
This attribute allows you to the border color of the story group icons which are watched by the user.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupIconCornerRadius int?
This attribute allows you to changes the corner radius of story group icon.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupIconHeight int?
This attribute allows you to changes the height of story group icon.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupIconWidth int?
This attribute allows you to changes the width of story group icon.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupListHorizontalEdgePadding int?
This attribute changes edge padding value of the first and last story groups for orientation horizontal
getter/setter pair
storyGroupListHorizontalPaddingBetweenItems int?
This attribute changes horizontal padding value between story groups
getter/setter pair
storyGroupListOrientation String?
This attribute changes orientation value of story group list
getter/setter pair
storyGroupListSections int?
This attribute changes based on orientation horizontal orientation row count or vertical orientation column count of story group list
getter/setter pair
storyGroupListVerticalEdgePadding int?
This attribute changes edge padding value of the first and last story groups for orientation vertical
getter/setter pair
storyGroupListVerticalPaddingBetweenItems int?
This attribute changes vertical padding value between story groups
getter/setter pair
storyGroupPinIconColor Color?
If any of the story group is selected as pinned group from dashboard, a little star icon will appear along with the story group icon. This attribute allows you to change the background color of this pin icon.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupSize String?
This attribute changes the size of the story group. Currently, supported sizes are small, large, xlarge and custom sizes. Default story group size is large size.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupTextColorNotSeen Color?
This attribute allows you to change the text color of the not seen story group.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupTextColorSeen Color?
This attribute allows you to change the text color of the seen story group.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupTextIsVisible bool?
This attribute allows you to changes the visibility of story group text.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupTextLines int?
This attribute allows you to change line count of story group text.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupTextSize int?
This attribute allows you to change text size story group text.
getter/setter pair
storyGroupTextTypeface String?
This attribute allows you to change font of story group text.
getter/setter pair
storyHeaderCloseButtonIsVisible bool?
This attribute allows you to changes the visibility of story header close button.
getter/setter pair
storyHeaderCloseIcon String?
This attribute allows you to use custom icon for header close button.
getter/setter pair
storyHeaderIconIsVisible bool?
This attribute allows you to changes the visibility of story header icon.
getter/setter pair
storyHeaderShareIcon String?
This attribute allows you to use custom icon for header share button.
getter/setter pair
storyHeaderTextIsVisible bool?
This attribute allows you to changes the visibility of story header text.
getter/setter pair
storyInteractiveTextTypeface String?
This attribute allows you to change the interactive component font of the story view.
getter/setter pair
storyItemIconBorderColor List<Color>?
This attribute allows you to change the header icon border color of the story view.
getter/setter pair
storyItemProgressBarColor List<Color>?
This attribute allows you to change the progress bar colors of the story view.
getter/setter pair
storyItemTextColor Color?
This attribute allows you to change the header text color of the story view.
getter/setter pair
storyItemTextTypeface String?
This attribute allows you to change the header text font of the story view.
getter/setter pair
storylyBackgroundColor Color?
This attribute allows you to change the background color of the StorylyView
getter/setter pair
storylyCustomParameters String?
Storyly SDK allows you to send a string parameter in the initialization process. This field is used for this analytical pruposes.
getter/setter pair
storylyFacebookAppID String?
This attibute allows you to set Facebook app id to be used in Instagram share to storiess.
getter/setter pair
storylyId String?
This attribute required for your app's correct initialization.
getter/setter pair
storylyLayoutDirection String?
This attribute allows you to change the layout direction the story view.
getter/setter pair
storylyLocale String?
This function allows you to set localization for the storyly view. Sample convention is en-GB
getter/setter pair
storylySegments List<String>?
This attribute takes a list of string which will be used in process of segmentation to show sepecific story groups to the users.
getter/setter pair
storylyShareUrl String?
This attibute allows you to change share URL of stories.
getter/setter pair
storylyTestMode bool?
This attribute defines whether it is a test device or not. If true, test groups are sent from the server.
getter/setter pair
storylyUserProperty Map<String, String>?
This attribue takes a map which will be used to replace user data set in dashboard to show user specific content.
getter/setter pair
storyProductFeed Map<String, List<STRProductItem>>?
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.