Storybook Toolkit

Toolkit for showcase all your widgets. Work at all platforms supported by Flutter.

Getting Started

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
        stories: [
            name: 'Screens/Counter',
            description: 'Demo Counter app with about dialog.',
            builder: (context) => CounterPage(
              title: context.knobs.text(label: 'Title', initial: 'Counter'),
              enabled: context.knobs.boolean(label: 'Enabled', initial: true),
            name: 'Widgets/Text',
            description: 'Simple text widget.',
            builder: (context) => const Center(child: Text('Simple text')),


  • Showcase of all your components.
  • Development your widgets, components and screens in isolated workspaces.
  • Simulate frames of multiple devices with device_frame_plus package.
  • Update your custom variables with knobs.
  • Change between multiple languages.
  • Change text scales.
  • Change auto, dark and light themes.
  • Generate golden tests for your components.
  • Possibility to add more features via plugins.


By default, each story is wrapped into MaterialApp.

You can override this behavior by providing either wrapperBuilder to the Storybook. You can either use one of the default ones (materialWrapper/cupertinoWrapper) or provide a fully custom wrapper. In the latest case, make sure to use the child widget that will contain the story.


Almost all the functionality is provided by plugins. Even contents and knobs are plugins (although they are first-party plugins).

Here is list of all our plugins:

  • ContentsPlugin
  • DeviceFramePlugin
  • KnobsPlugin
  • ThemeModePlugin
  • CodeViewPlugin
  • TextSizerPlugin
  • TimeDilationPlugin
  • DirectionalityPlugin
  • LocalizationPlugin

Golden tests

Storybook support golden tests:

  1. Import storybook_toolkit_tester package:
  storybook_toolkit_tester: ^1.2.0 
  1. Create test file, e.g. storybook_test.dart.

  2. Add the following content there:

    void main() => testStorybook(
      devices: { Devices.ios.iPhoneSE,, Devices.ios.iPadAir4 },
      filterStories: (Story story) {
        final skipStories = [];
        return !skipStories.contains(;
    final storybook = Storybook(
      stories: [
          name: 'Button',
          builder: (context) => ElevatedButton(
            onPressed: () {},
            child: const Text('Button'),
          name: 'CounterPage',
          builder: (context) => const CounterPage(),
  3. Generate golden images by running: flutter test --update-goldens --tags=storybook.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Special thanks

This project is fork of storybook_flutter. I want to thank previous developers for their work:


👤 Martin Jablečník

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