execute abstract method

Future<Result> execute(
  1. Object query, {
  2. Object? parameters,
  3. bool ignoreRows = false,
  4. QueryMode? queryMode,
  5. Duration? timeout,

Executes the query with the given parameters.

query must either be a String or a Sql object with types for parameters already set. If the types for parameters are already known from the query, a direct list of values can be passed for parameters. Otherwise, the type of parameter types must be made explicit. This can be done by passing TypedValue objects in a list, or (if a string or Sql.named value is passed for query), via the names of declared statements.

When ignoreRows is set to true, the implementation may internally optimize the execution to ignore rows returned by the query. Whether this optimization can be applied also depends on the parameters chosen, so there is no guarantee that the Result from a ignoreRows excution has no rows.

queryMode is optional to override the default query execution mode that is defined in SessionSettings. Unless necessary, always prefer using QueryMode.extended which is the default value. For more information, see SessionSettings.queryMode


Future<Result> execute(
  Object /* String | Sql */ query, {
  Object? /* List<Object?|TypedValue> | Map<String, Object?|TypedValue> */
  bool ignoreRows = false,
  QueryMode? queryMode,
  Duration? timeout,