write method

Future<void> write({
  1. required String key,
  2. required String? value,
  3. IOSOptions? iOptions = IOSOptions.defaultOptions,
  4. AndroidOptions? aOptions,
  5. LinuxOptions? lOptions,

Encrypts and saves the key with the given value.

If the key was already in the storage, its associated value is changed. If the value is null, deletes associated value for the given key. key shouldn't be null. value required value iOptions optional iOS options aOptions optional Android options lOptions optional Linux options Can throw a PlatformException.


Future<void> write({
  required String key,
  required String? value,
  IOSOptions? iOptions = IOSOptions.defaultOptions,
  AndroidOptions? aOptions,
  LinuxOptions? lOptions,
}) =>
    value != null
        ? _channel.invokeMethod('write', <String, dynamic>{
            'key': key,
            'value': value,
            'options': _selectOptions(iOptions, aOptions, lOptions)
        : delete(key: key, iOptions: iOptions, aOptions: aOptions);