color property

Color? color

If provided, the shape used for the menu.

If this property is null, then PopupMenuThemeData.shape is used. If PopupMenuThemeData.shape is also null, then the default shape for MaterialType.card is used. This default shape is a rectangle with rounded edges of BorderRadius.circular(2.0). If provided, the background color used for the menu.

If this property is null, then PopupMenuThemeData.color is used. If PopupMenuThemeData.color is also null, then Theme.of(context).cardColor is used.


// final ShapeBorder? shape;

/// If provided, the background color used for the menu.
/// If this property is null, then [PopupMenuThemeData.color] is used.
/// If [PopupMenuThemeData.color] is also null, then
/// Theme.of(context).cardColor is used.
final Color? color;