stilo library
A utility-first Flutter library that containing different type of utility classes to speed up development process.
The library contains classes to deal with: borders, font sizes, spacings, widths, heights and much more...
- StiloBorder
- A class that constructs Border constants
- StiloBorderRadius
- A class that constructs BorderRadius constants
- StiloBoxShadow
- A class that constructs BoxShadow constants
- StiloColor
- A class that defines color palette
- StiloColorOpacity
- A class that defines color opacity constants
- StiloDivider
- A class that constructs Divider widgets
- StiloDuration
- A class that constructs Duration constants
- StiloEdge
- A class that constructs EdgeInsets based on spacing constants
- StiloElevation
- A class that defines elevation constants
- StiloFontSize
- A class that defines font size constants
- StiloFontWeight
- A class that defines font weight constants This class remap Flutter's font weights with a more readable name
- StiloGridGap
- A class that defines gap constants to use in GridView widget (crossAxisSpacing, mainAxisSpacing)
- StiloHeight
- A class that defines height constants
- StiloLetterSpacing
- A class that defines letter spacing constants
- StiloLineHeight
- A class that defines line height constants
- StiloOpacity
- A class that constructs Opacity widgets based on opacity constants
- StiloPositioned
- A class that constructs Positioned widgets based on spacing constants
- StiloSpacing
- A class that constructs SizedBox widgets based on spacing constants
- StiloTransformRotate
- A class that constructs Transform widgets based on rotation constants
- StiloTransformScale
- A class that constructs Transform widgets based on scale constants
- StiloTransformTranslate
- A class that constructs Transform widgets based on offset constants
- StiloWidth
- A class that defines width constants