stem method

String stem(
  1. String word

Stems word. Only stems words that are at least 3 characters, otherwise will return word.


String stem(String word) {
  String stem = word.toLowerCase();

  if (_pool.containsKey(word)) {
    return _pool[word]!;

  if (word.length <= 2) {
    // With this line, strings of length 1 or 2 don't go through
    // the stemming process, although no mention is made of this
    // in the published algorithm.
    return word;

  stem = _step1a(stem);
  stem = _step1b(stem);
  stem = _step1c(stem);
  stem = _step2(stem);
  stem = _step3(stem);
  stem = _step4(stem);
  stem = _step5a(stem);
  stem = _step5b(stem);

  return stem;