appendEndpointToUrl static method

Uri appendEndpointToUrl(
  1. String baseUrl,
  2. String endpoint

Appends an endpoint to a baseUrl string in a way that handles the presence or absence of a trailing slash in the baseUrl.

The function ensures that the returned URL does not have a double slash "//" between the base URL and the endpoint.

This method is particularly useful when working with base URLs returned from various API sources, where some may end with a trailing slash and some may not.

Returns the resulting URL as a Uri.


String serverUrl = "";
String endpoint = "info";
Uri serverUri = Utils.appendEndpointToUrl(serverUrl, endpoint);
// finalUrl will be a Uri for ""


static Uri appendEndpointToUrl(String baseUrl, String endpoint) {
  // Ensure there is no trailing slash
  if (baseUrl.endsWith("/")) {
    baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, baseUrl.length - 1);

  // Now append the endpoint
  String completeUrl = "$baseUrl/$endpoint";
  return Uri.parse(completeUrl);