info method

Future<SEP24InfoResponse> info([
  1. String? lang

Get the anchors basic info about what their TRANSFER_SERVER_SEP0024 support to wallets and clients. lang Language code specified using ISO 639-1. description fields in the response should be in this language. Defaults to en.


Future<SEP24InfoResponse> info([String? lang]) async {
  Uri serverURI = Util.appendEndpointToUrl(_transferServiceAddress, 'info');

  _InfoRequestBuilder requestBuilder =
      _InfoRequestBuilder(httpClient, serverURI);

  final Map<String, String> queryParams = {};

  if (lang != null) {
    queryParams["lang"] = lang;

  SEP24InfoResponse response =
      await requestBuilder.forQueryParameters(queryParams).execute();

  return response;