stellar_flutter_sdk library
This library provides APIs to build and sign transactions, connect and query Stellar Horizon
- AbstractTransaction
- Account
- Represents an account in Stellar network with it's sequence number. Account object is required to build a Transaction.
- AccountCreatedEffectResponse
- Account created effects occur when a new account is created See: Effects.
- AccountCreditedEffectResponse
- Account credited effects occur when an account receives some currency. See: Effects.
- AccountDebitedEffectResponse
- Account debited effects occur when an account sends some currency. See: Effects.
- AccountEd25519Signature
- Represents a signature used by SorobanAuthorizationEntry.
- AccountFlag
Account Flags is the
that can be used in SetOptionsOperation. See: Account Flags - AccountFlagsUpdatedEffectResponse
- AccountFlagsUpdated effects occur when an account changes its account flags, either clearing or setting. See: Effects.
- AccountHomeDomainUpdatedEffectResponse
- Account Home Domain Updated effects occur when an account changes its home domain. See: Effects.
- AccountInflationDestinationUpdatedEffectResponse
- Unused: Account Inflation Destination Updated effects occur when an account changes its inflation destination. See: Effects.
- AccountMergeOperation
- Represents AccountMerge operation. See: List of Operations
- AccountMergeOperationBuilder
- AccountMergeOperationResponse
- Represents the AccountMerge operation response. See: Account Merge Object
- AccountRemovedEffectResponse
- Account removed effects occur when one account is merged into another. See: Effects.
- AccountResponse
- Represents an account response received from horizon. Users interact with the Stellar network through accounts. Everything else in the ledger—assets, offers, trustlines, etc.—are owned by accounts, and accounts must authorize all changes to the ledger through signed transactions. See: Account documentation.
- AccountResponseData
- Data connected to account from the horizon account response.
- AccountResponseLinks
- Links from the account response.
- AccountSponsorshipCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Account Sponsorship Created occurs when an account ledger entry is sponsored. See: Effects.
- AccountSponsorshipRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Account Sponsorship Removed occurs when the sponsorship of an account ledger entry is removed.
- AccountSponsorshipUpdatedEffectResponse
- Effect Account Sponsorship Updated occurs when the sponsoring of an account ledger entry is updated.
- AccountsRequestBuilder
- Provides information on a specific account. See Account Details
- AccountThresholdsUpdatedEffectResponse
- Account Thresholds Updated effects occur when an account changes its multisig thresholds. See: Effects.
- Address
- Represents a single address in the Stellar network.
- AllowTrustOperation
- Represents AllowTrust operation. See List of Operations
- AllowTrustOperationBuilder
- AllowTrustOperationResponse
- Represents the AllowTrust operation response. This operation is deprecated as of Protocol 17. Prefer SetTrustLineFlags instead. See: Allow Trust Object.
- AnchorFeatureFlags
- Part of the response of the info endpoint.
- AnchorFeeInfo
- AnchorField
- AnchorTransaction
- Represents an anchor transaction
- AnchorTransactionInfo
- AnchorTransactionRequest
- AnchorTransactionResponse
- AnchorTransactionsInfo
- AnchorTransactionsRequest
- AnchorTransactionsResponse
- Asset
- Base Assets class. See: Assets.
- AssetAccounts
- AssetAmount
- AssetBalanceChange
- AssetBalances
- AssetResponse
- Represents an asset response from the horizon server. Assets are representations of value issued on the Stellar network. An asset consists of a type, code, and issuer. See: Assets documentation. See:
- AssetResponseLinks
- Links connected to an asset response from the horizon server.
- AssetsRequestBuilder
- Lists all assets. It will give you all the assets in the system along with various statistics about each. See Assets
- AssetTypeCreditAlphaNum
- Base class for AssetTypeCreditAlphaNum4 and AssetTypeCreditAlphaNum12 subclasses.
- AssetTypeCreditAlphaNum12
- Represents all assets with codes 5-12 characters long.
- AssetTypeCreditAlphaNum4
- Represents all assets with codes 1-4 characters long.
- AssetTypeNative
- Represents a stellar native asset. See: lumens (XLM)
- Represents pool share assets
- AuthenticatorAttestationResponse
- Balance
- Represents account balance from the horizon account response.
- Base16Codec
- Base16Decoder
- Base16Encoder
- Base32
- BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOperation
- BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOperationBuilder
- BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOperationResponse
- Represents the BeginSponsoringFutureReserves operation response. See: Begin Sponsoring Future Reserves
- BumpSequenceOperation
- Represents Bump Sequence operation. See: List of Operations
- BumpSequenceOperationBuilder
- BumpSequenceOperationResponse
- Represents BumpSequence operation response. See: Bump Sequence Object
- ChallengeResponse
- Represents a challenge response.
- ChangeTrustOperation
- Represents ChangeTrust operation. See: List of Operations
- ChangeTrustOperationBuilder
- ChangeTrustOperationResponse
- Represents ChangeTrust operation response. See Change Trust Object
- ClaimableBalanceClaimantCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Claimable Balance Claimant Created occurs when a claimable balance claimant is created.
- ClaimableBalanceClaimedEffectResponse
- Effect Claimable Balance Claimed occurs when a claimable balance is claimed.
- ClaimableBalanceClawedBackEffectResponse
- Effect Claimable Balance Clawed Back occurs when a claimable balance is clawed back.
- ClaimableBalanceCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Claimable Balance Created occurs when a claimable balance is created. See: Effects.
- ClaimableBalanceFlags
- ClaimableBalanceResponse
- See:
- ClaimableBalanceResponseLinks
- Links from the claimable balance response.
- ClaimableBalanceSponsorshipCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Claimable Balance Sponsorship Removed occurs when the sponsorship of a claimable balance ledger entry is removed
- ClaimableBalanceSponsorshipRemovedEffectResponse
- EffectClaimableBalanceSponsorshipRemoved occurs when the sponsorship of a claimable balance ledger entry is removed
- ClaimableBalanceSponsorshipUpdatedEffectResponse
- Effect Claimable Balance Sponsorship Updated occurs when the sponsoring of a claimable balance ledger entry is updated.
- ClaimableBalancesRequestBuilder
- See Claimable Balance
- Claimant
- ClaimantPredicateResponse
- ClaimantResponse
- ClaimClaimableBalanceOperation
- ClaimClaimableBalanceOperationBuilder
- ClaimClaimableBalanceOperationResponse
- Represents the ClaimClaimableBalance operation response. See: Operation documentation
- ClawbackClaimableBalanceOperation
- ClawbackClaimableBalanceOperationBuilder
- ClawbackClaimableBalanceOperationResponse
- Represents the ClawbackClaimableBalanceOperationResponse operation response.
- ClawbackOperation
- ClawbackOperationBuilder
- ClawbackOperationResponse
- Represents the ClawbackOperationResponse operation response.
- ContractCreditedEffectResponse
- Effect Contract Credited occurs when a contract receives some currency from SAC events involving transfers, mints, and burns.
- ContractDebitedEffectResponse
- Effect Contract Debited occurs when a contract sends some currency from SAC events involving transfers, mints, and burns.
- CreateAccountOperation
- Represents CreateAccount operation. See: @see List of Operations
- CreateAccountOperationBuilder
- CreateAccountOperationResponse
- Represents CreateAccount operation response. See: Create Account Object.
- CreateClaimableBalanceOperation
- CreateClaimableBalanceOperationBuilder
- CreateClaimableBalanceOperationResponse
- Represents the CreateClaimableBalance operation response. See: Operation documentation
- CreateContractHostFunction
- CreateContractWithConstructorHostFunction
- CreatePassiveSellOfferOperation
- Represents CreatePassiveSellOffer operation.
- CreatePassiveSellOfferOperationBuilder
- CreatePassiveSellOfferOperationResponse
- Represents CreatePassiveSellOffer operation response. See: Create Passive Sell Offer Object
- Currency
- Currency Documentation. From the stellar.toml CURRENCIES list, one set of fields for each currency supported. Applicable fields should be completed and any that don't apply should be excluded. See Stellar Toml
- CustomerFileResponse
- CustomerInformationNeededResponse
- CustomerInformationStatusResponse
- DataCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Data Created occurs when an account gets a new data field. See: Effects.
- DataInput
- DataOutput
- DataRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Data Removed occurs when an account removes a data field See: Effects.
- DataSponsorshipCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Data Sponsorship Created occurs when a trustline ledger entry is sponsored.
- DataSponsorshipRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Data Sponsorship Removed occurs when the sponsorship of a trustline ledger entry is removed.
- DataSponsorshipUpdatedEffectResponse
- Effect Data Sponsorship Updated occurs when the sponsoring of a trustline ledger entry is updated.
- DataUpdatedEffectResponse
- Effect Data Updated occurs when an account changes a data field's value. See: Effects.
- DeploySACWithAssetHostFunction
- DeploySACWithSourceAccountHostFunction
- DepositAsset
- DepositExchangeAsset
- DepositExchangeRequest
- DepositInstruction
- DepositRequest
- DepositResponse
- Represents an transfer service deposit response.
- Documentation
- Organization Documentation. From the stellar.toml DOCUMENTATION table. See Stellar Toml
- EffectResponse
- Abstract class for effect responses. See: Effects. See:
- EffectResponseLinks
- Represents effect links.
- EffectsRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to effects from horizon.
- EndSponsoringFutureReservesOperation
- EndSponsoringFutureReservesOperationBuilder
- EndSponsoringFutureReservesOperationResponse
- Represents the EndSponsoringFutureReserves operation response. See: End Sponsoring Future Reserves
- EventFilter
- Event filter for the getEvents request. See:
- EventInfo
T> -
This interface is used in RequestBuilder classes
method. - ExtendFootprintTTLOperation
- ExtendFootprintTTLOperationBuilder
- ExtendFootprintTTLOperationResponse
- Represents ExtendFootprintTTLOperationResponse response.
- ExtraInfo
- ExtrasResultCodes
- Contains result codes for this transaction.
- FeatureFlags
- Part of the response of the info endpoint.
- Federation
- Implements Federation protocol. See Federation Protocol
- FederationResponse
- Represents an federation server response. See Federation Protocol.
- FeeBumpTransaction
- Represents Fee Bump Transaction in Stellar network.
- FeeBumpTransactionBuilder
- Builds a FeeBumpTransaction object.
- FeeBumpTransactionResponse
- FeeBumpTransaction is only present in a TransactionResponse if the transaction is a fee bump transaction or is wrapped by a fee bump transaction. The object has two fields: the hash of the fee bump transaction and the signatures present in the fee bump transaction envelope.
- FeeChargedResponse
- FeeDetails
- FeeDetailsDetails
- FeeEndpointInfo
- Part of the response of the info endpoint.
- FeeRequest
- FeeResponse
- Represents an transfer service fee response.
- FeeStatsRequestBuilder
- Fee stats are used to predict what fee to set for a transaction before submitting it to the network. See: Fee stats
- FeeStatsResponse
- Represents fee stats response received from the horizon server. Fee stats are used to predict what fee to set for a transaction before submitting it to the network. See: Fee stats documentation.
- FinancialAccountKYCFields
- Flags
- Represents account flags from the horizon account response.
- Footprint
- Footprint received when simulating a transaction. Contains utility functions.
- FriendBot
- FuturenetFriendBot
- GeneralInformation
- General information from the stellar.toml file. See Stellar Toml
- GetCustomerFilesResponse
- GetCustomerInfoField
- The CustomerInfoField object defines the pieces of information the anchor has not yet received for the customer. It is required for the NEEDS_INFO status but may be included with any status. Fields should be specified as an object with keys representing the SEP-9 field names required. Customers in the ACCEPTED status should not have any required fields present in the object, since all required fields should have already been provided.
- GetCustomerInfoProvidedField
- The provided CustomerInfoProvidedField object defines the pieces of information the anchor has received for the customer. It is not required unless one or more of provided fields require verification via customerVerification.
- GetCustomerInfoRequest
- GetCustomerInfoResponse
- Represents a customer info request response.
- GetEventsRequest
- Holds the request parameters for getEvents. See:
- GetEventsResponse
- GetFeeStatsResponse
- Statistics for charged inclusion fees. The inclusion fee statistics are calculated from the inclusion fees that were paid for the transactions to be included onto the ledger. For Soroban transactions and Stellar transactions, they each have their own inclusion fees and own surge pricing. Inclusion fees are used to prevent spam and prioritize transactions during network traffic surge.
- GetHealthResponse
- General node health check response. See:
- GetLatestLedgerResponse
- See:
- GetLedgerEntriesResponse
- GetNetworkResponse
- General information about the currently configured network. This response will contain all the information needed to successfully submit transactions to the network this node serves. See:
- GetTransactionResponse
- Response when polling the rpc server to find out if a transaction has been completed. See
- GetTransactionsRequest
- Holds the request parameters for getEvents. See:
- GetTransactionsResponse
- GetVersionInfoResponse
- Version information about the RPC and Captive core. RPC manages its own, pared-down version of Stellar Core optimized for its own subset of needs. See:
- HostFunction
- InclusionFee
- InflationOperationResponse
- Represents Inflation operation response. See: Operation documentation
- InfoResponse
- InnerTransaction
- InnerTransaction is only present in a TransactionResponse if the transaction is a fee bump transaction or is wrapped by a fee bump transaction. The object has three fields: the hash of the inner transaction wrapped by the fee bump transaction, the max fee set in the inner transaction, and the signatures present in the inner transaction envelope.
- InvokeContractHostFunction
- InvokeHostFuncOpBuilder
- InvokeHostFunctionOperation
- InvokeHostFunctionOperationResponse
- IsValidSep7UrlResult
- JsonRpcMethod
- Holds name and args of a method request for JSON-RPC v2
- KeyPair
- Holds a Stellar keypair.
- KYCService
- Implements SEP-0012 - KYC API. See <" target="_blank">KYC API
- LedgerBounds
- LedgerBounds are Preconditions of a transaction per CAP-21
- LedgerEntry
- LedgerEntryChange
- Part of the simulate transaction response.
- LedgerResponse
- Represents ledger response received from the horizon server. Each ledger stores the state of the network at a point in time and contains all the changes - transactions, operations, effects, etc. - to that state. See: Ledger documentation
- LedgerResponseLinks
- Links connected to a ledger response received from the horizon server.
- LedgersRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to ledgers. Each ledger stores the state of the network at a point in time and contains all the changes - transactions, operations, effects, etc. - to that state. See: Ledgers
- Link
- Represents the links in a response from the horizon server.
- LiquidityPoolClaimableAssetAmount
- LiquidityPoolCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Liquidity Pool Created occurs when a liquidity pool is created
- LiquidityPoolDepositedEffectResponse
- Effect Liquidity Pool Deposited occurs when a liquidity pool incurs a deposit.
- LiquidityPoolDepositOperation
- LiquidityPoolDepositOperationBuilder
- LiquidityPoolDepositOperationResponse
- LiquidityPoolEffectResponse
- LiquidityPoolPriceResponse
- LiquidityPoolRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Liquidity Pool Removed occurs when a liquidity pool is removed
- LiquidityPoolResponse
- LiquidityPoolResponseLinks
- LiquidityPoolRevokedEffectResponse
- Effect Liquidity Pool Revoked occurs when a liquidity pool is revoked.
- LiquidityPoolsRequestBuilder
- LiquidityPoolTradeEffectResponse
- Effect Liquidity Pool Trade occurs when a trade happens in a liquidity pool.
- LiquidityPoolTradesRequestBuilder
- LiquidityPoolTradesResponse
- LiquidityPoolTradesResponseLinks
- LiquidityPoolWithdrawOperation
- LiquidityPoolWithdrawOperationBuilder
- LiquidityPoolWithdrawOperationResponse
- LiquidityPoolWithdrewEffectResponse
- Effect Liquidity Pool Withdrew occurs when a liquidity pool incurs a withdrawal.
- ManageBuyOfferOperation
- Represents ManageBuyOffer operation. See: List of Operations
- ManageBuyOfferOperationBuilder
- ManageBuyOfferOperationResponse
- Represents ManageBuyOffer operation response. See: Manage Buy Offer Object
- ManageDataOperation
- Represents ManageData operation. See: List of Operations.
- ManageDataOperationBuilder
- ManageDataOperationResponse
- Represents ManageDataOperation response. See: Manage Data Object
- ManageSellOfferOperation
- Represents ManageSellOffer operation. See: List of Operations
- ManageSellOfferOperationBuilder
- ManageSellOfferOperationResponse
- Represents ManageSellOffer operation response. See: Manage Sell Offer Object
- MaxFeeResponse
- Memo
- The memo contains optional extra information. It is the responsibility of the client to interpret this value. Memos can be one of the following types:
- MemoHash
- Represents MEMO_HASH.
- MemoHashAbstract
- MemoId
- Represents MEMO_ID.
- MemoNone
- Represents MEMO_NONE.
- MemoReturnHash
- Represents MEMO_RETURN.
- MemoText
- Represents MEMO_TEXT.
- MuxedAccount
- Represents a muxed account to be used in transactions sent to the stellar network.
- NaturalPersonKYCFields
- Network
Network class is used to specify which Stellar network you want to use.
Each network has a
which is hashed to every transaction id. - OfferCreatedEffectResponse
- Unused: Effect Offer Created occurs when an account offers to trade an asset See: Effects.
- OfferRemovedEffectResponse
- Unused: Effect Offer Removed occurs when an account removes an offer See: Effects.
- OfferResponse
- Represents an offer response received from the horizon server. Offers are statements about how much of an asset an account wants to buy or sell. See: Offer documentation
- OfferResponseLinks
- Links connected to a offer response received from horizon.
- OffersRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to offers. Offers are statements about how much of an asset an account wants to buy or sell. See: Offers
- OfferUpdatedEffectResponse
- Unused: Effect Offer Updated occurs when an offer is updated by the offering account. See: Effects.
- Operation
- Abstract class for operations.
- OperationResponse
- Abstract class for operation responses. See: Operation documentation See:
- OperationResponseLinks
- Represents the operation response links.
- OperationsRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to operations. Operations are objects that represent a desired change to the ledger: payments, offers to exchange currency, changes made to account options, etc. Operations are submitted to the Stellar network grouped in a Transaction. See: Operations
- OrderBookRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to the order book. An order book is a collections of offers for a specific pair of assets. See: Order books
- OrderBookResponse
- Represents an order book response received from the horizon server. An order book is a collections of offers for a specific pair of assets. See: Order book documentation
- OrderBookRow
- Represents a row in the order book response received from the horizon server.
- OrganizationKYCFields
T> - Represents page of objects.
- PageLinks
- Links connected to page response.
- PaginationOptions
- ParameterResponse
- ParsedSep7UrlResult
- PasskeyUtils
- PatchTransactionRequest
- PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation
- Represents PathPaymentStrictReceive operation. See: List of Operations
- PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperationBuilder
- PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperationResponse
- Represents PathPaymentStrictReceive operation response. See: Path Payment Strict Receive Object
- PathPaymentStrictSendOperation
- Represents PathPaymentStrictSend operation. @see List of Operations
- PathPaymentStrictSendOperationBuilder
- PathPaymentStrictSendOperationResponse
- Represents PathPaymentStrictReceive operation response. See: Path Payment Strict Send Object
- PathResponse
- Represents a path response received from the horizon server. See: Path documentation
- PathResponseLinks
- Links connected to a path response received from horizon.
- PaymentOperation
- Represents Payment operation. See: List of Operations
- PaymentOperationBuilder
- PaymentOperationResponse
- Represents Payment operation response. See: Operation documentation
- PaymentsRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to payments.
- PointOfContact
- Point of Contact Documentation. From the stellar.toml PRINCIPALS list. It contains identifying information for the primary point of contact or principal of the organization. See Stellar Toml
- PostActionDone
- No further action required.
- PostActionNextUrl
- Further action required
- PostActionResponse
- Response of posting an action
- PostTransactionActionRequired
- This response means that the user must complete an action before this transaction can be approved. The approval service will provide a URL that facilitates the action. Upon completion, the user will resubmit the transaction.
- PostTransactionPending
- This response means that the issuer could not determine whether to approve the transaction at the time of receiving it. Wallet can re-submit the same transaction at a later point in time.
- PostTransactionRejected
- This response means that the transaction is not compliant and could not be revised to be made compliant.
- PostTransactionResponse
- PostTransactionRevised
- This response means that the transaction was revised to be made compliant.
- PostTransactionSuccess
- This response means that the transaction was found compliant and signed without being revised.
- PreconditionsLedgerBoundsResponse
- PreconditionsTimeBoundsResponse
- Price
- Represents Price. Price in Stellar is represented as a fraction.
- PutCustomerCallbackRequest
- PutCustomerInfoRequest
- PutCustomerInfoResponse
- Represents a put customer info request response.
- PutCustomerVerificationRequest
- Refund
- Part of the transaction result.
- RefundPayment
- Part of the transaction result.
- RegulatedAsset
- RegulatedAssetsService
- RequestBuilder
- Abstract class for request builders.
- RequestBuilderOrder
- Represents possible order parameter values.
- ReserveResponse
- ResourceConfig
- Part of the SimulateTransactionRequest. Allows budget instruction leeway used in preflight calculations to be configured.
- Response
- ResponseConverter
T> - RestoreFootprintOperation
- RestoreFootprintOperationBuilder
- RestoreFootprintOperationResponse
- Represents RestoreFootprintOperation response.
- RestorePreamble
- It can only present on successful simulation (i.e. no error) of InvokeHostFunction operations. If present, it indicates the simulation detected expired ledger entries which requires restoring with the submission of a RestoreFootprint operation before submitting the InvokeHostFunction operation. The minResourceFee and transactionData fields should be used to construct the transaction containing the RestoreFootprint operation.
- RevokeSponsorshipOperation
- RevokeSponsorshipOperationBuilder
- RevokeSponsorshipOperationResponse
- Represents the RevokeSponsorship operation response. See: Operation documentation
- RootResponse
- Represents root endpoint response received from the horizon server.
- SendTransactionResponse
- Response when submitting a real transaction to the stellar network. See:
- SEP24DepositAsset
- Response of the deposit endpoint.
- SEP24DepositRequest
- Request of the deposit endpoint.
- SEP24FeeRequest
- Request of the fee endpoint.
- SEP24FeeResponse
- Response of the fee endpoint.
- SEP24InfoResponse
- Response of the info endpoint.
- SEP24InteractiveResponse
- Represents an transfer service deposit or withdraw response.
- SEP24Transaction
- Represents an anchor transaction
- SEP24TransactionRequest
- Request for the transactions endpoint. One of id, stellar_transaction_id or external_transaction_id is required.
- SEP24TransactionResponse
- SEP24TransactionsRequest
- Request of the transactions endpoint.
- SEP24TransactionsResponse
- SEP24WithdrawAsset
- Response of the withdraw endpoint.
- SEP24WithdrawRequest
- Request of the withdraw endpoint.
- SEP30AccountResponse
- SEP30AccountsResponse
- SEP30AuthMethod
- SEP30RecoveryService
- Implements SEP-0030 - Account Recovery: multi-party recovery of Stellar accounts. See Account Recovery: multi-party recovery of Stellar accounts.
- SEP30Request
- SEP30RequestIdentity
- SEP30ResponseIdentity
- SEP30ResponseSigner
- SEP30SignatureResponse
- SEP38Asset
- SEP38BuyAsset
- Sep38BuyDeliveryMethod
- SEP38Fee
- SEP38FeeDetails
- SEP38InfoResponse
- Response of the info endpoint.
- SEP38PostQuoteRequest
- SEP38PriceResponse
- SEP38PricesResponse
- Response of the prices endpoint.
- SEP38QuoteResponse
- SEP38QuoteService
- Implements SEP-0038 - Anchor RFQ API. See Anchor RFQ API.
- Sep38SellDeliveryMethod
- SequenceBumpedEffectResponse
- Effect Sequence Bumped occurs when an account bumps their sequence number. See: Effects.
- SetOptionsOperation
- Represents SetOptions operation. See: List of Operations
- SetOptionsOperationBuilder
- SetOptionsOperationResponse
- Represents SetOptions operation response. See: Set Options Object
- SetTrustLineFlagsOperation
- SetTrustLineFlagsOperationBuilder
- SetTrustlineFlagsOperationResponse
- Represents the SetTrustlineFlagsOperationResponse operation response.
- SignedPayloadSigner
- Data model for the signed payload signer
- Signer
- Represents account signers from the horizon account response.
- SignerCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Signer Created occurs when an account gains a signer. See: Effects.
- SignerEffectResponse
- Represents signer effects abstract object. See: Effects.
- SignerKey
- SignerKey is a helper class that creates XdrSignerKey objects.
- SignerRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Signer Removed occurs when an account loses a signer. See: <a href=" target="_blank">Effects.
- SignerSponsorshipCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Signer Sponsorship Created occurs when the sponsorship of a signer is created.
- SignerSponsorshipRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Signer Sponsorship Removed occurs when the sponsorship of a signer is removed.
- SignerSponsorshipUpdatedEffectResponse
- Effect Signer Sponsorship Updated occurs when the sponsorship of a signer is updated.
- SignerUpdatedEffectResponse
- EffectSignerUpdated occurs when an account changes the weight of one of its signers. See: Effects.
- SimulateTransactionRequest
- Holds the request parameters for simulateTransaction. See:
- SimulateTransactionResponse
- Response that will be received when submitting a trial contract invocation. The response will include the anticipated affects the given transaction will have on the network. Additionally, information needed to build, sign, and actually submit the transaction will be provided.
- SimulateTransactionResult
- Used as a part of simulate transaction. See:
- SorobanAddressCredentials
- SorobanAuthorizationEntry
- SorobanAuthorizedFunction
- SorobanAuthorizedInvocation
- SorobanContractInfo
- Stores information parsed from a soroban contract byte code such as Environment Meta, Contract Spec Entries and Contract Meta Entries. See also:
- SorobanContractParser
- Parses a soroban contract byte code to get Environment Meta, Contract Spec and Contract Meta. see:
- SorobanCredentials
- SorobanRpcErrorResponse
- Error response.
- SorobanRpcResponse
- Abstract class for soroban rpc responses.
- SorobanServer
- This class helps you to connect to a local or remote soroban rpc server and send requests to the server. It parses the results and provides corresponding response objects.
- StandardKYCFields
- Defines a list of standard KYC and AML fields for use in Stellar ecosystem protocols. Issuers, banks, and other entities on Stellar should use these fields when sending or requesting KYC / AML information with other parties on Stellar. See:
- StellarSDK
- Main class of the flutter stellar sdk.
- StellarToml
- Parses the stellar toml data from a given string or from a given domain. See Stellar Toml Supported Version: 2.5.0
- StrictReceivePathsRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to finding paths. Paths provide information about potential path payments. A path can be used to populate the necessary fields for a path payment operation. The strict receive payment path endpoint lists the paths a payment can take based on the amount of an asset you want the recipient to receive. The destination asset amount stays constant, and the type and amount of an asset sent varies based on offers in the order books. See: Paths See: List Strict Receive Payment Paths
- StrictSendPathsRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to finding paths. Paths provide information about potential path payments. A path can be used to populate the necessary fields for a path payment operation. The strict receive payment path endpoint lists the paths a payment can take based on the amount of an asset you want to send. The source asset amount stays constant, and the type and amount of an asset received varies based on offers in the order books. See: Paths See: List Strict Send Payment Paths
- StrKey
- SubmitAsyncTransactionResponse
- Response of async transaction submission to Horizon. See
- SubmitCompletedChallengeResponse
- SubmitTransactionResponse
- Represents the horizon server response after submitting transaction.
- SubmitTransactionResponseExtras
- Additional information returned by the horizon server.
- SubmitUriSchemeTransactionResponse
- Thresholds
- Represents account thresholds from the horizon account response.
- TimeBounds
- TimeBounds represents the time interval that a transaction is valid.
- TopicFilter
- Part of the getEvents request parameters.
- TradeAggregationResponse
- Represents a trade aggregation response from horizon server. A trade aggregation represents aggregated statistics on an asset pair (base and counter) for a specific time period. Trade aggregations are useful to developers of trading clients and provide historical trade data. See: Trade aggregations
- TradeAggregationsRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to trade aggregations. A trade aggregation represents aggregated statistics on an asset pair (base and counter) for a specific time period. Trade aggregations are useful to developers of trading clients and provide historical trade data. See: Trade Aggregations
- TradeEffectResponse
- Effect Trade occurs when a trade is initiated because of a path payment or offer operation. See: Effects.
- TradeResponse
- Represents trades response from the horizon server. When an offer is fully or partially fulfilled, a trade happens. Trades can also be caused by successful path payments, because path payments involve fulfilling offers. See: Trades documentation
- TradeResponseLinks
- Links connected to a trade response from the horizon server.
- TradesRequestBuilder
- Builds requests connected to trades. When an offer is fully or partially fulfilled, a trade happens. Trades can also be caused by successful path payments, because path payments involve fulfilling offers. A trade occurs between two parties—base and counter. Which is which is either arbitrary or determined by the calling query. See: Trades
- Transaction
- Represents Transaction in the Stellar network.
- TransactionBuilder
- Builds a Transaction object.
- TransactionBuilderAccount
- Specifies interface for Account object used in TransactionBuilder.
- TransactionInfo
- TransactionPreconditions
- TransactionPreconditionsResponse
- TransactionRefundPayment
- Part of the transaction result.
- TransactionRefunds
- Part of the transaction result.
- TransactionResponse
- Represents transaction response received from the horizon server See: Transaction documentation.
- TransactionResponseLinks
- Links connected to a transaction response.
- TransferServerSEP24Service
- Implements SEP-0024 - Hosted Deposit and Withdrawal. See <" target="_blank">Hosted Deposit and Withdrawal
- TransferServerService
- Implements SEP-0006 - Deposit and Withdrawal API See Deposit and Withdrawal API
- TrustlineAuthorizationResponse
- Deprecated: use TrustLineFlagsUpdatedEffectResponse instead Represents trust line authorized effects abstract object. See: Effects.
- TrustlineAuthorizedEffectResponse
- Deprecated: use TrustLineFlagsUpdatedEffectResponse instead. Effect Trustline Authorized occurs when an anchor has AUTH_REQUIRED flag set to true and it authorizes another account's trustline See: Effects.
- TrustlineAuthorizedToMaintainLiabilitiesEffectResponse
- Deprecated: use TrustLineFlagsUpdatedEffectResponse instead. Effect Trustline Authorized To Maintain Liabilities occurs when an anchor has AUTH_REQUIRED flag set to true and it authorizes another account's trustline to maintain liabilities See: Effects.
- TrustlineCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Trustline Created occurs when an account trusts an anchor See: Effects.
- TrustlineCUDResponse
- Represents trust line CUD effects abstract opbject. See: Effects.
- Deprecated: use TrustLineFlagsUpdatedEffectResponse instead. EffectTrustlineDeauthorized occurs when an anchor revokes access to a asset it issues. See: Effects.
- TrustLineEntryExtensionV2
- TrustLineEntryExtensionV2Ext
- TrustLineFlagsUpdatedEffectResponse
- Effect Trustline Flags Updated effects occur when a TrustLine changes its flags, either clearing or setting.
- TrustlineRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Trustline Removed occurs when an account removes struct by setting the limit of a trustline to 0. See: Effects.
- TrustlineSponsorshipCreatedEffectResponse
- Effect Trustline Sponsorship Created occurs when a trustline ledger entry is sponsored.
- TrustlineSponsorshipRemovedEffectResponse
- Effect Trustline Sponsorship Removed occurs when the sponsorship of a trustline ledger entry is removed.
- TrustlineSponsorshipUpdatedEffectResponse
- Effect Trustline Sponsorship Updated occurs when the sponsoring of a trustline ledger entry is updated.
- TrustlineUpdatedEffectResponse
- EffectTrustlin Updated occurs when an account changes a trustline's limit See: Effects.
- TxRep
T> - Indicates a generic container that requires type information to be provided after initialisation.
T> - UploadContractWasmHostFunction
- URIScheme
- Implements utility methods for SEP-007 - URI Scheme to facilitate delegated signing
- UriSchemeReplacement
- Util
- Validator
- Validator Information. From the the stellar.toml VALIDATORS list, one set of fields for each node your organization runs. Combined with the steps outlined in SEP-20, this section allows to declare the node(s), and to let others know the location of any public archives they maintain. See Stellar Toml
- VersionByte
- Wallet
- WebAuth
- WithdrawAsset
- WithdrawExchangeAsset
- WithdrawExchangeRequest
- WithdrawRequest
- WithdrawResponse
- Represents an transfer service withdraw response.
- XdrAccountEntry
- XdrAccountEntryExt
- XdrAccountEntryV1
- XdrAccountEntryV1Ext
- XdrAccountEntryV2
- XdrAccountEntryV2Ext
- XdrAccountEntryV3
- XdrAccountFlags
- XdrAccountID
- XdrAccountMergeResult
- XdrAccountMergeResultCode
- XdrAllowTrustOp
- XdrAllowTrustOpAsset
- XdrAllowTrustResult
- XdrAllowTrustResultCode
- XdrAsset
- XdrAssetAlphaNum12
- XdrAssetAlphaNum4
- XdrAssetType
- XdrAuth
- XdrAuthCert
- XdrAuthenticatedMessage
- XdrAuthenticatedMessageV0
- XdrBeginSponsoringFutureReservesOp
- XdrBeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult
- XdrBeginSponsoringFutureReservesResultCode
- XdrBigInt64
- XdrBucketEntry
- XdrBucketEntryType
- XdrBumpSequenceOp
- XdrBumpSequenceResult
- XdrBumpSequenceResultCode
- XdrChangeTrustAsset
- XdrChangeTrustOp
- XdrChangeTrustResult
- XdrChangeTrustResultCode
- XdrClaimableBalanceEntry
- XdrClaimableBalanceEntryExt
- XdrClaimableBalanceEntryExtV1
- XdrClaimableBalanceID
- XdrClaimableBalanceIDType
- XdrClaimant
- XdrClaimantType
- XdrClaimantV0
- XdrClaimAtom
- XdrClaimAtomType
- XdrClaimClaimableBalanceOp
- XdrClaimClaimableBalanceResult
- XdrClaimClaimableBalanceResultCode
- XdrClaimLiquidityAtom
- XdrClaimOfferAtom
- XdrClaimOfferAtomV0
- XdrClaimPredicate
- XdrClaimPredicateType
- XdrClawbackClaimableBalanceOp
- XdrClawbackClaimableBalanceResult
- XdrClawbackClaimableBalanceResultCode
- XdrClawbackOp
- XdrClawbackResult
- XdrClawbackResultCode
- XdrConfigSettingContractBandwidthV0
- XdrConfigSettingContractComputeV0
- XdrConfigSettingContractEventsV0
- XdrConfigSettingContractExecutionLanesV0
- XdrConfigSettingContractHistoricalDataV0
- XdrConfigSettingContractLedgerCostV0
- XdrConfigSettingEntry
- XdrConfigSettingID
- XdrConfigUpgradeSetKey
- XdrConstantProduct
- XdrContractCodeCostInputs
- XdrContractCodeEntry
- XdrContractCodeEntryExt
- XdrContractCodeEntryExtV1
- XdrContractCostParamEntry
- XdrContractCostParams
- XdrContractCostType
- XdrContractDataDurability
- XdrContractDataEntry
- XdrContractEvent
- XdrContractEventBody
- XdrContractEventBodyV0
- XdrContractEventType
- XdrContractExecutable
- XdrContractExecutableType
- XdrContractIDPreimage
- XdrContractIDPreimageType
- XdrCreateAccountOp
- XdrCreateAccountResult
- XdrCreateAccountResultCode
- XdrCreateClaimableBalanceOp
- XdrCreateClaimableBalanceResult
- XdrCreateClaimableBalanceResultCode
- XdrCreateContractArgs
- XdrCreateContractArgsV2
- XdrCreatePassiveSellOfferOp
- XdrCryptoKeyType
- XdrCurve25519Public
- XdrCurve25519Secret
- XdrDataEntry
- XdrDataEntryExt
- XdrDataInputStream
- XdrDataOutputStream
- XdrDataValue
- XdrDecoratedSignature
- XdrDiagnosticEvent
- XdrDontHave
- XdrEndSponsoringFutureReservesResult
- XdrEndSponsoringFutureReservesResultCode
- XdrEnvelopeType
- XdrError
- XdrErrorCode
- XdrEvictionIterator
- XdrExtendFootprintTTLOp
- XdrExtendFootprintTTLResult
- XdrExtendFootprintTTLResultCode
- XdrExtensionPoint
- XdrFeeBumpTransaction
- XdrFeeBumpTransactionEnvelope
- XdrFeeBumpTransactionExt
- XdrFeeBumpTransactionInnerTx
- XdrHash
- XdrHashIDPreimage
- XdrHashIDPreimageContractID
- XdrHashIDPreimageOperationID
- XdrHashIDPreimageRevokeID
- XdrHashIDPreimageSorobanAuthorization
- XdrHello
- XdrHmacSha256Key
- XdrHmacSha256Mac
- XdrHostFunction
- XdrHostFunctionType
- XdrInflationPayout
- XdrInflationResult
- XdrInflationResultCode
- XdrInnerTransactionResult
- XdrInnerTransactionResultPair
- XdrInnerTransactionResultResult
- XdrInt128Parts
- XdrInt256Parts
- XdrInt32
- XdrInt64
- XdrInvokeContractArgs
- XdrInvokeHostFunctionOp
- XdrInvokeHostFunctionResult
- XdrInvokeHostFunctionResultCode
- XdrInvokeHostFunctionSuccessPreImage
- XdrIPAddrType
- XdrLedgerBounds
- XdrLedgerEntry
- XdrLedgerEntryChange
- XdrLedgerEntryChanges
- XdrLedgerEntryChangeType
- XdrLedgerEntryData
- XdrLedgerEntryExt
- XdrLedgerEntryType
- XdrLedgerEntryV1
- XdrLedgerEntryV1Ext
- XdrLedgerFootprint
- XdrLedgerHeader
- XdrLedgerHeaderExt
- XdrLedgerHeaderHistoryEntry
- XdrLedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt
- XdrLedgerKey
- XdrLedgerKeyAccount
- XdrLedgerKeyContractCode
- XdrLedgerKeyContractData
- XdrLedgerKeyData
- XdrLedgerKeyOffer
- XdrLedgerKeyTrustLine
- XdrLedgerKeyTTL
- XdrLedgerSCPMessages
- XdrLedgerUpgrade
- XdrLedgerUpgradeType
- XdrLiabilities
- XdrLiquidityPoolBody
- XdrLiquidityPoolConstantProductParameters
- XdrLiquidityPoolDepositOp
- XdrLiquidityPoolDepositResult
- XdrLiquidityPoolDepositResultCode
- XdrLiquidityPoolEntry
- XdrLiquidityPoolParameters
- XdrLiquidityPoolType
- XdrLiquidityPoolWithdrawOp
- XdrLiquidityPoolWithdrawResult
- XdrLiquidityPoolWithdrawResultCode
- XdrManageBuyOfferOp
- XdrManageDataOp
- XdrManageDataResult
- XdrManageDataResultCode
- XdrManageOfferEffect
- XdrManageOfferResult
- XdrManageOfferResultCode
- XdrManageOfferSuccessResult
- XdrManageOfferSuccessResultOffer
- XdrManageSellOfferOp
- XdrMemo
- XdrMemoType
- XdrMessageType
- XdrMuxedAccount
- XdrMuxedAccountMed25519
- XdrNodeID
- XdrOfferEntry
- XdrOfferEntryExt
- XdrOfferEntryFlags
- XdrOperation
- XdrOperationBody
- XdrOperationMeta
- XdrOperationResult
- XdrOperationResultCode
- XdrOperationResultTr
- XdrOperationType
- XdrPathPaymentResultSuccess
- XdrPathPaymentStrictReceiveOp
- XdrPathPaymentStrictReceiveResult
- XdrPathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode
- XdrPathPaymentStrictSendOp
- XdrPathPaymentStrictSendResult
- XdrPathPaymentStrictSendResultCode
- XdrPaymentOp
- XdrPaymentResult
- XdrPaymentResultCode
- XdrPeerAddress
- XdrPeerAddressIp
- XdrPreconditions
- XdrPreconditionsV2
- XdrPreconditionType
- XdrPrice
- XdrPublicKey
- XdrPublicKeyType
- XdrRestoreFootprintOp
- XdrRestoreFootprintResult
- XdrRestoreFootprintResultCode
- XdrRevokeSponsorshipOp
- XdrRevokeSponsorshipResult
- XdrRevokeSponsorshipResultCode
- XdrRevokeSponsorshipSigner
- XdrRevokeSponsorshipType
- XdrSCAddress
- XdrSCAddressType
- XdrSCContractInstance
- XdrSCEnvMetaEntry
- XdrSCEnvMetaKind
- XdrSCError
- XdrSCErrorCode
- XdrSCErrorType
- XdrSCMapEntry
- XdrSCMetaEntry
- XdrSCMetaKind
- XdrSCMetaV0
- XdrSCNonceKey
- XdrSCPBallot
- XdrSCPEnvelope
- XdrSCPHistoryEntry
- XdrSCPHistoryEntryV0
- XdrSCPNomination
- XdrSCPQuorumSet
- XdrSCPStatement
- XdrSCPStatementConfirm
- XdrSCPStatementExternalize
- XdrSCPStatementPledges
- XdrSCPStatementPrepare
- XdrSCPStatementType
- XdrSCSpecEntry
- XdrSCSpecEntryKind
- XdrSCSpecFunctionInputV0
- XdrSCSpecFunctionV0
- XdrSCSpecType
- XdrSCSpecTypeBytesN
- XdrSCSpecTypeDef
- XdrSCSpecTypeMap
- XdrSCSpecTypeOption
- XdrSCSpecTypeResult
- XdrSCSpecTypeTuple
- XdrSCSpecTypeUDT
- XdrSCSpecTypeVec
- XdrSCSpecUDTEnumCaseV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTEnumV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTErrorEnumCaseV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTErrorEnumV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTStructFieldV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTStructV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTUnionCaseTupleV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTUnionCaseV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTUnionCaseV0Kind
- XdrSCSpecUDTUnionCaseVoidV0
- XdrSCSpecUDTUnionV0
- XdrSCVal
- XdrSCValType
- XdrSequenceNumber
- XdrSetOptionsOp
- XdrSetOptionsResult
- XdrSetOptionsResultCode
- XdrSetTrustLineFlagsOp
- XdrSetTrustLineFlagsResult
- XdrSetTrustLineFlagsResultCode
- XdrSignature
- XdrSignatureHint
- XdrSignedPayload
- XdrSigner
- XdrSignerKey
- XdrSignerKeyType
- XdrSimplePaymentResult
- XdrSorobanAddressCredentials
- XdrSorobanAuthorizationEntry
- XdrSorobanAuthorizedFunction
- XdrSorobanAuthorizedFunctionType
- XdrSorobanAuthorizedInvocation
- XdrSorobanCredentials
- XdrSorobanCredentialsType
- XdrSorobanResources
- XdrSorobanTransactionData
- XdrSorobanTransactionMeta
- XdrSorobanTransactionMetaExt
- XdrSorobanTransactionMetaExtV1
- XdrStateArchivalSettings
- XdrStellarMessage
- XdrStellarValue
- XdrStellarValueExt
- XdrString32
- XdrString64
- XdrThresholdIndexes
- XdrThresholds
- XdrTimeBounds
- XdrTransaction
- XdrTransactionEnvelope
- XdrTransactionExt
- XdrTransactionHistoryEntry
- XdrTransactionHistoryEntryExt
- XdrTransactionHistoryResultEntry
- XdrTransactionHistoryResultEntryExt
- XdrTransactionMeta
- XdrTransactionMetaV1
- XdrTransactionMetaV2
- XdrTransactionMetaV3
- XdrTransactionResult
- XdrTransactionResultCode
- XdrTransactionResultExt
- XdrTransactionResultPair
- XdrTransactionResultResult
- XdrTransactionResultSet
- XdrTransactionSet
- XdrTransactionSignaturePayload
- XdrTransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction
- XdrTransactionV0
- Transaction used before protocol 13.
- XdrTransactionV0Envelope
- Transaction envelope used before protocol 13.
- XdrTransactionV0Ext
- XdrTransactionV1Envelope
- XdrTrustlineAsset
- XdrTrustLineEntry
- XdrTrustLineEntryExt
- XdrTrustLineEntryV1
- XdrTrustLineEntryV1Ext
- XdrTrustLineFlags
- XdrTTLEntry
- XdrUInt128Parts
- XdrUint256
- XdrUInt256Parts
- XdrUint32
- XdrUint64
- XdrUpgradeType
- XdrValue
on List<
- base16codec → const Base16Codec
- LANGUAGE_ENGLISH → const String
- LANGUAGE_FRENCH → const String
- LANGUAGE_ITALIAN → const String
- LANGUAGE_JAPANESE → const String
- LANGUAGE_KOREAN → const String
- LANGUAGE_MALAY → const String
- LANGUAGE_SPANISH → const String
String encoded) → List< int> -
List< int> bytes) → String -
bool expression, String errorMessage) → dynamic -
dynamic reference, String errorMessage) → dynamic -
dynamic src) → double? -
dynamic src) → int? -
String src) → String -
dynamic src) → String?
Exceptions / Errors
- AssetCodeLengthInvalidException
- Indicates that asset code is not valid for a specified asset class
- AuthenticationRequiredException
- ChallengeRequestErrorResponse
- ChallengeValidationError
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidHomeDomain
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidMemoType
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidMemoValue
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidOperationType
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidSeqNr
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidSignature
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidSourceAccount
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidTimeBounds
- ChallengeValidationErrorInvalidWebAuthDomain
- ChallengeValidationErrorMemoAndMuxedAccount
- CustomerInformationNeededException
- CustomerInformationStatusException
- ErrorResponse
- Exception thrown when request returned an non-success HTTP code.
- IncompleteInitData
- IssuerAccountNotFound
- MemoTooLongException
- Indicates that value passed to Memo
- MissingClientDomainException
- MissingTransactionInChallengeResponseException
- NoClientDomainSigningKeyFoundException
- NoMemoForMuxedAccountsException
- NoWebAuthEndpointFoundException
- NoWebAuthServerSigningKeyFoundException
- RequestErrorException
- SEP24AuthenticationRequiredException
- SEP24TransactionNotFoundException
- SEP30BadRequestResponseException
- SEP30ConflictResponseException
- SEP30NotFoundResponseException
- SEP30ResponseException
- SEP30UnknownResponseException
- SEP38BadRequest
- SEP38NotFound
- SEP38PermissionDenied
- SEP38ResponseException
- SEP38UnknownResponse
- SorobanContractParserFailed
- Thrown if the SorobanContractParser failed parsing the given byte code.
- SubmitAsyncTransactionProblem
- Thrown if the response of async transaction submission to Horizon represents a known problem. See
- SubmitCompletedChallengeErrorResponseException
- SubmitCompletedChallengeTimeoutResponseException
- SubmitCompletedChallengeUnknownResponseException
- SubmitTransactionTimeoutResponseException
- SubmitTransactionUnknownResponseException
- TooManyRequestsException
- Exception thrown when too many requests were sent to the Horizon server.
- UnknownPostActionResponse
- UnknownPostActionResponseResult
- UnknownPostTransactionResponse
- UnknownPostTransactionResponseStatus
- UnknownResponse
- To be used if a Horizon or Anchor response could not be interpreted.
- URISchemeError