getCustomerInfo method

Check the status of a customers info (customer GET) This endpoint allows clients to:


// 1. Fetch the fields the server requires in order to register a  customer:
// If the server does not have a customer registered for the parameters sent in the request, it will return the fields required in the response. The same response will be returned when no parameters are sent.
// 2. Check the status of a customer that may already be registered
// This allows clients to check whether the customers information was accepted, rejected, or still needs more info. If the server still needs more info, or the server needs updated information, it will return the fields required.
Future<GetCustomerInfoResponse> getCustomerInfo(
    GetCustomerInfoRequest request) async {
  Uri serverURI = Uri.parse(_serviceAddress + "/customer");

  _GetCustomerInfoRequestBuilder requestBuilder =
      _GetCustomerInfoRequestBuilder(httpClient, serverURI,
          httpRequestHeaders: httpRequestHeaders);

  final Map<String, String> queryParams = {};

  if ( != null) {
    queryParams["id"] =!;
  if (request.account != null) {
    queryParams["account"] = request.account!;
  if (request.memo != null) {
    queryParams["memo"] = request.memo!;
  if (request.memoType != null) {
    queryParams["memo_type"] = request.memoType!;
  if (request.type != null) {
    queryParams["type"] = request.type!;
  if (request.transactionId != null) {
    queryParams["transaction_id"] = request.transactionId!;
  if (request.lang != null) {
    queryParams["lang"] = request.lang!;

  GetCustomerInfoResponse response = await requestBuilder

  return response;