price method

Future<SEP38PriceResponse> price({
  1. required String context,
  2. required String sellAsset,
  3. required String buyAsset,
  4. String? sellAmount,
  5. String? buyAmount,
  6. String? sellDeliveryMethod,
  7. String? buyDeliveryMethod,
  8. String? countryCode,
  9. String? jwtToken,

This endpoint can be used to fetch the indicative price for a given asset pair. See: The client must provide either sellAmount or buyAmount, but not both. Parameters: context The context for what this quote will be used for. Must be one of 'sep6' or 'sep31'. sellAsset The asset the client would like to sell. Ex. stellar:USDC:G..., iso4217:ARS buyAsset The asset the client would like to exchange for sellAsset. sellAmount optional, the amount of sellAsset the client would like to exchange for buyAsset. buyAmount optional, the amount of buyAsset the client would like to exchange for sellAsset. sellDeliveryMethod optional, one of the name values specified by the sell_delivery_methods array for the associated asset returned from GET /info. Can be provided if the user is delivering an off-chain asset to the anchor but is not strictly required. buyDeliveryMethod optional, one of the name values specified by the buy_delivery_methods array for the associated asset returned from GET /info. Can be provided if the user intends to receive an off-chain asset from the anchor but is not strictly required. countryCode Optional, The ISO 3166-2 or ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code of the user's current address. Should be provided if there are two or more country codes available for the desired asset in GET /info. It also accepts an optional jwtToken token obtained before with SEP-0010.


Future<SEP38PriceResponse> price(
    {required String context,
    required String sellAsset,
    required String buyAsset,
    String? sellAmount,
    String? buyAmount,
    String? sellDeliveryMethod,
    String? buyDeliveryMethod,
    String? countryCode,
    String? jwtToken}) async {
  Uri requestURI = Util.appendEndpointToUrl(_serviceAddress, 'price');
  Map<String, String> queryParameters = {
    'sell_asset': sellAsset,
    'buy_asset': buyAsset,
    'context': context,

  if ((sellAmount != null && buyAmount != null) ||
      (sellAmount == null && buyAmount == null)) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        'The caller must provide either [sellAmount] or [buyAmount], but not both.');
  if (sellAmount != null) {
    queryParameters['sell_amount'] = sellAmount;
  if (buyAmount != null) {
    queryParameters['buy_amount'] = buyAmount;
  if (sellDeliveryMethod != null) {
    queryParameters['sell_delivery_method'] = sellDeliveryMethod;
  if (buyDeliveryMethod != null) {
    queryParameters['buy_delivery_method'] = buyDeliveryMethod;
  if (countryCode != null) {
    queryParameters['country_code'] = countryCode;

  requestURI = requestURI.replace(queryParameters: queryParameters);

  Map<String, String> headers = {...RequestBuilder.headers};
  if (jwtToken != null) {
    headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + jwtToken;
  headers.putIfAbsent("Content-Type", () => "application/json");

  SEP38PriceResponse result =
      await httpClient.get(requestURI, headers: headers).then((response) {
    switch (response.statusCode) {
      case 200:
        return SEP38PriceResponse.fromJson(json.decode(response.body));
      case 400:
        throw SEP38BadRequest(errorFromResponseBody(response.body));
        throw new SEP38UnknownResponse(response.statusCode, response.body);
  }).catchError((onError) {
    throw onError;

  return result;