GetTransactionResponse class

Response when polling the rpc server to find out if a transaction has been completed. See



GetTransactionResponse(Map<String, dynamic> jsonResponse)
GetTransactionResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


applicationOrder int?
(optional) The index of the transaction among all transactions included in the ledger. This field is only present if status is SUCCESS or FAILED.
getter/setter pair
createdAt String?
(optional) The unix timestamp of when the transaction was included in the ledger. This field is only present if status is SUCCESS or FAILED.
getter/setter pair
envelopeXdr String?
(optional) A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionEnvelope XDR struct for this transaction.
getter/setter pair
error SorobanRpcErrorResponse?
getter/setter pairinherited
feeBump bool?
(optional) Indicates whether the transaction was fee bumped. This field is only present if status is SUCCESS or FAILED.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isErrorResponse bool
no setterinherited
jsonResponse Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pairinherited
latestLedger int?
The latest ledger known to Soroban-RPC at the time it handled the getTransaction() request.
getter/setter pair
latestLedgerCloseTime String?
The unix timestamp of the close time of the latest ledger known to Soroban-RPC at the time it handled the getTransaction() request.
getter/setter pair
ledger int?
(optional) The sequence of the ledger which included the transaction. This field is only present if status is SUCCESS or FAILED.
getter/setter pair
oldestLedger int?
The oldest ledger ingested by Soroban-RPC at the time it handled the getTransaction() request.
getter/setter pair
oldestLedgerCloseTime String?
The unix timestamp of the close time of the oldest ledger ingested by Soroban-RPC at the time it handled the getTransaction() request.
getter/setter pair
resultMetaXdr String?
(optional) A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionMeta XDR struct for this transaction.
getter/setter pair
resultXdr String?
(optional) A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionResult XDR struct for this transaction. This field is only present if status is SUCCESS or FAILED.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
status String?
The current status of the transaction by hash, one of: SUCCESS, NOT_FOUND, FAILED
getter/setter pair
xdrTransactionEnvelope XdrTransactionEnvelope?
no setter
xdrTransactionMeta XdrTransactionMeta?
no setter
xdrTransactionResult XdrTransactionResult?
no setter


getCreatedContractId() String?
Extracts the contract is from the response if the transaction created a contract
getResultValue() XdrSCVal?
Extracts the result value from the first entry on success
getWasmId() String?
Extracts the wasm id from the response if the transaction installed a contract
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

convertToInt(dynamic src) int?


STATUS_FAILED → const String
STATUS_NOT_FOUND → const String
STATUS_SUCCESS → const String