WithdrawRequest class


WithdrawRequest({required String assetCode, required String type, String? dest, String? destExtra, String? account, String? memo, String? memoType, String? walletName, String? walletUrl, String? lang, String? onChangeCallback, String? amount, String? countryCode, String? refundMemo, String? refundMemoType, String? customerId, String? locationId, String? jwt})


account String?
(optional) The Stellar or muxed account the client will use as the source of the withdrawal payment to the anchor. If SEP-10 authentication is not used, the anchor can use account to look up the user's KYC information. Note that the account specified in this request could differ from the account authenticated via SEP-10.
getter/setter pair
amount String?
(optional) The amount of the asset the user would like to withdraw. This field may be necessary for the anchor to determine what KYC information is necessary to collect.
getter/setter pair
assetCode String
Code of the on-chain asset the user wants to withdraw. The value passed must match one of the codes listed in the /info response's withdraw object.
getter/setter pair
countryCode String?
(optional) The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code of the user's current address. This field may be necessary for the anchor to determine what KYC information is necessary to collect.
getter/setter pair
customerId String?
(optional) id of an off-chain account (managed by the anchor) associated with this user's Stellar account (identified by the JWT's sub field). If the anchor supports SEP-12, the customer_id field should match the SEP-12 customer's id. customer_id should be passed only when the off-chain id is know to the client, but the relationship between this id and the user's Stellar account is not known to the Anchor.
getter/setter pair
dest String?
(Deprecated) The account that the user wants to withdraw their funds to. This can be a crypto account, a bank account number, IBAN, mobile number, or email address.
getter/setter pair
destExtra String?
(Deprecated, optional) Extra information to specify withdrawal location. For crypto it may be a memo in addition to the dest address. It can also be a routing number for a bank, a BIC, or the name of a partner handling the withdrawal.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
jwt String?
jwt previously received from the anchor via the SEP-10 authentication flow
getter/setter pair
lang String?
(optional) (optional) Defaults to en if not specified or if the specified language is not supported. Language code specified using RFC 4646. error fields and other human readable messages in the response should be in this language.
getter/setter pair
locationId String?
(optional) id of the chosen location to pick up cash
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memo String?
(optional) This field should only be used if SEP-10 authentication is not. It was originally intended to distinguish users of the same Stellar account. However if SEP-10 is supported, the anchor should use the sub value included in the decoded SEP-10 JWT instead.
getter/setter pair
memoType String?
(Deprecated, optional) Type of memo. One of text, id or hash. Deprecated because memos used to identify users of the same Stellar account should always be of type of id.
getter/setter pair
onChangeCallback String?
(optional) A URL that the anchor should POST a JSON message to when the status property of the transaction created as a result of this request changes. The JSON message should be identical to the response format for the /transaction endpoint.
getter/setter pair
refundMemo String?
(optional) The memo the anchor must use when sending refund payments back to the user. If not specified, the anchor should use the same memo used by the user to send the original payment. If specified, refundMemoType must also be specified.
getter/setter pair
refundMemoType String?
(optional) The type of the refund_memo. Can be id, text, or hash. If specified, refundMemo must also be specified.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
type String
Type of withdrawal. Can be: crypto, bank_account, cash, mobile, bill_payment or other custom values. This field may be necessary for the anchor to determine what KYC information is necessary to collect.
getter/setter pair
walletName String?
(deprecated, optional) In communications / pages about the withdrawal, anchor should display the wallet name to the user to explain where funds are coming from. However, anchors should use client_domain (for non-custodial) and sub value of JWT (for custodial) to determine wallet information.
getter/setter pair
walletUrl String?
(deprecated, optional) Anchor can show this to the user when referencing the wallet involved in the withdrawal (ex. in the anchor's transaction history). However, anchors should use client_domain (for non-custodial) and sub value of JWT (for custodial) to determine wallet information.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.