toHexUnsigned method

String toHexUnsigned({
  1. int width = 0,

Same as toHex, but will ensure that the HEX string is unsigned, converting the HEX bits to a signed integer, like a Uint32.


String toHexUnsigned({int width = 0}) {
  if (isNegative) {
    var hex = toHex();
    if (hex.startsWith('-')) {
      hex = hex.substring(1);

    if (hex.length % 2 != 0) {
      hex = '0$hex';

    var bs = hex.decodeHex();
    var bs2 = Uint8List.fromList( => 256 - e).toList());

    var hex2 = bs2.toHex();
    if (width > 0) {
      hex2 = hex2.padLeft(width, 'F');
    return hex2;
  } else {
    var hex = toHex();
    if (width > 0) {
      hex = hex.padLeft(width, '0');
    return hex;