initState property

void Function(BuildContext context, ReactiveModel<T>? model)? initState

A tag or list of tags you want this StateBuilder to register with.

Whenever any of the observable model to which this StateBuilder is subscribed emits a notifications with a list of filter tags, this StateBuilder will rebuild if the the filter tags list contains at least on of those tags.

It can be String (for small projects) or enum member (enums are preferred for big projects).

Each StateBuilder has a default tag which is its BuildContext

 initState:(BuildContext context, ReactiveModel model)=> myModel.init([context,model]),
 builder:(BuildContext context, ReactiveModel model) =>MyWidget(),

Called when this object is inserted into the tree.


// final dynamic tag;

///  initState:(BuildContext context, ReactiveModel model)=> myModel.init([context,model]),
///  models:[myModel],
///  builder:(BuildContext context, ReactiveModel model) =>MyWidget(),
///Called when this object is inserted into the tree.
final void Function(BuildContext context, ReactiveModel<T>? model)? initState;